Sunday, August 10, 2008

Without God we have no identiy

It was drizzle this morning while I was taking a taxi to church. By the way, thanks God! It has stopped after the church service.

Thanks GOD! We observed the Lord's supper this morning, I really enjoyed from the time I stepped in the sanctuary until we sang the song of doxology and received benediction. Yeah!!

"God's Way Is Not Our Way" (Exodus 2:1-25)
Since Pastor John has started to study Exodus with us before this, I thought I would have to spend that particular time with a complicated and very hard understandable message. But, I was wrong, it wasn't something like what I thought of, and God has made something different, He is so amazing, and really I could comprehend what pastor told, and noted the important points down.

1. God's way is no our way.
:: God's way is higher than man.
2. Without God we have no identity.
:: What is my identity? It reminds me to be humble of myself.
3. God takes time to equip His servants for their work.
:: There's always a right time for all.

All these were the reflection of Exodus 2: 1-25.

Doing exercise is always good to health, however, due to the condition of my body wasn't that good today, I jogged for only 2 rounds tonight. oh ya... God, thanks for the good weather.

I've learned more about the word of honesty during the time I was watching a true story of a man on the TV, it was very moving story to tell of, it didn't say anything about honest, however, I found it through the story...... and I got a perception of life, it is about honesty, so I said,

"Let's face the world honestly, and you'll experience her beauty very much more than you can think of."
This is what I've tried my best to describe it, and as if I say in Chinese, it can be

誠實地面對世界﹐你就會經歷到所未能想像的美好。 or
Anyway, I just think that I still cannot fully express it all as what I've gained. Perhaps, one day I will be able to write it out entirely.

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