Sunday, August 31, 2008

Be Strong!!

National Day... it was hard to get public transport-taxi... anyway, thanks God! I was managed to attend the church service, they sang the last song when I reached there... we've a special guest this morning, Dr. Bob Evans... He was talking about the message of Matthew 25:1-15. "True preparedness" is based on inner condition, not outward appearance. Do we believe the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ?

After the service I was quickly went for my shopping-clothes. I needed something to wear for tonight wedding dinner. I found one that I wanted to buy, but they didn't have my size... even though I've shopped the other branch nearby, I still couldn't find it... a little bit disappointed... anyway, I was able to get two different styles at another boutique, the price wasn't cheap, $150++. But I was willing to pay for it. Just hope that I won't wear something which is so outdated.

Perhaps I didn't get enough rest, that was why I wasn't feeling so well today... headache... Thanks God! I felt better after taking a shower and sleep this afternoon... but I was still tired. Maybe I didn't exercise this evening, because normally I would do exercise after coming back from work every Sunday for the past few weeks.

Careless... careless... careless... really careless, it was already too late when I realized that my SD card wasn't inserted in my camera, it was left in my memory card reader which connected to my PC. Oh God... I was already in the train... what for? I brought this camera without a memory card to the wedding dinner. ... so weird... but I couldn't do anything, as if I wanted to buy a new one, it'll cost me 3 times the price... so I just forget about it. I am so sorry, my friend, because I am unable to show you any photo about the wedding dinner as I promised you before this. :-(

Well, ... tonight was just so so... anyway, it was okay. The only matter was that I disliked the atmosphere and people around were acting so strange to me. Perhaps no one was purposely expecting it to happen, but sometimes maybe this was only a war of negative thinking.

Okay, forget about the unhappy stuff, take care man, you are a wonderful creature, be strong, as God your heavenly Father is powerful and most beautiful, do not be down just because of you saw others' weakness. Your faith is not established on that, but the word of God.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

What make me look different?

I wondered why was I unable to sleep tide last night... tossed about in my sleep all night... Well, I think it was just too complicated, it brought me joy and yet it depressed me as well. Man's mind is so great, but it can be very complex too, its volume is able to store a lot of information, it generates different emotion as accord to the stimulation of things and of people around, it is intangible to the world, but visualise in heart. No one can acknowledge fully what a man think. Otherwise it would have put the world into more trouble and horrible situation.

If the busyness of life is due to a busy working job environment, then, should I do something to find a way to escape from it? However, does it bring any beneficial outcome? more or less? and how am I going to measure it? Busyness of life shouldn't be the influence that isn't inspire us to grow. Day after day passing by, life should grow more brilliant than before. Because we shall allow only life to progress, not to backslide. So we must have the courage to stand up again if we fall.

Everyday is a gift, and it is a lesson too. If I couldn't achieve my mission, or gain a positive response, I would be down because my expectation was very high, I would be happy if my performance met the target. There would be no difference since it was the principle of human nature. Let me learn from my mistake, so as other people's mistake. And for this, I need to humbly lower down myself to accept the challenge, and fight for it intelligently.

Look at the positive way, pray for myself, and let God works on it. You will finally see the difference.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A better day

"di...di...di...di...di...di......" Alarm was sounding...... another morning has just awaken me.....
Should have this in mind, "Today is always better than yesterday."
And really, I felt better today... O God! thank you.

While I was walking across the traffic light, I saw several battleplanes were flying over the building of the city twice... WOW... what was happening? They were flying above me, I was walking with horror. Was this a drill? Since the national day is around the corner. However, I can't feel that atmosphere is around.

Well, something happened... I felt good... I think I am quite happy today... haha... and the other thing was finally I've finished up the book of purpose driven life. It's great. But reading only without working it out into reality is a mean of dead of the growing of soul. Isn't it?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I wasn't feeling well today... fatigued... not taking enough rest... and worked busily...
received emailed memo-must answer phone call from the company on my day off... raining day... by-election for a parliament seat was held somewhere in the country drastically... the opposition leader won the vote... reading pastor Michael Guglielmucci's news... felt tired to read this sort of news... sad... but I think that it is no more a surprise to me... many things that had happened, and it would happen again...... isn't it has mentioned in the the book of Job. Do not argue for any judgement... Weakness is a human nature, else we may not need God, therefore, just do as good as we can to glorify Him in our part....

Monday, August 25, 2008


Two nights I couldn't fall sleep as fast as normal. It was a torture to me. Sleep late, wake up early.
As usual I went down to swim for 6-7 round, it was kinda release to me from a restless body condition. Because I really felt better after swimming. The weather for these few days weren't that good, it was raining almost everyday... and I couldn't jog last night. Must do exercise to refresh my mind.

Hanging out to a shopping complex this afternoon with aims to buy a new cloth for a wedding dinner and to check my contactless smartcard which I usually apply it for my public transportation expenses, however, I've got nothing done for either new clothe purchasing or smartcard checking. It was alright I've not got the new clothe, but I was not satisfied to the services I obtained from smartcard service call center & counters, I just think that I've been fooled by them, perhaps they weren't with that intention to do that, but the service was poor. They asked me to go to the particular locations where the service is totally out. And I've been spending my time to travel from one place to another place for the checking request. Every time I reached to each of the instructed service counter, they told only the service was down, and asked me to go somewhere else for the checking again, ...... I asked them that when the service will be working well again as normal, they told me they didn't know... Oh God~~ wasting energy, wasting time, wasting money travelling around... I was about to blow up. But thank God, I didn't, it was worthless to do that. Sophisticated technology brings us convenient, but it can also produce the unexpected inconvenient complexity to us.

Another bookstore in the city I've approached this afternoon, wow wow wow... it is very big... it consists of a wide range of reading sources... I cannot just allow myself to browse for several minutes.... I think I've spent about an hour there... it was enjoyable... yeah~
Reading in a fast way, I've finished up "The Law of Attraction", ... there was a message that caught my attention...

"Being selfish is simply an act of self-care."

It seems really make sense, acceptable in today's world, nothing is wrong, however, biblically saying, isn't it selfish a sin? ... in other word, is this theoretically against to the teaching of the bible?
What do you think?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Is it worth trusting God?

I couldn't sleep well last night... damn it!
I was feeling sleepy in the church service this morning... I was about to fall sleep at several times when I closed up my eyes... but... I was still fine.

Here are my notes:
Title: God's Preparation For Moses (Exodus 3:1-10)
Speaker: Pastor John

1. God is Holy
2. God is Faithful
3. God is Compassionate
4. God has a plan of action

Question to ponder:
"Is it worth trusting God?"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A visit to Christian Book Fair

After my work, I was walking against the wind and the fine rain on my way to the Chinese Christian Book Fair 2008. This year isn't like last year, I don't buy very much of books. ...... Anyway... thank God! I took some time to browse around the booths of the participants... and just stopped at several booths...... I was about to buy a book of a famous Korean pastor, the title was talking about "thinking/mind control", however, it was ended up with an empty hand, I wanted to control my spending... so I just forgot about it. Well, well, well... at last still I've got myself one, Prayer-Does it Make Any Difference?, by Philip Yancey. As I saw the label tagged on the front cover, I was confident that I would not choose a lousy book. "UK Christian Book Awards 2008 Winner, as voted by the public", shall be a good choice. God bless!

This is the only one goody I grabbed.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Light on Your Prayer

Oh......God! What's a great shock! After 2 days I haven't blogged here. I am extremely sad to hear about the news that a pastor, Mike Guglielmucci, songwriter of healer, who had told of his cancer story behind the song is actually untrue. It was a fraud. I just can't believe it when I first read it. I've been taking some time to read those related news on the internet tonight. ......What a world really is where we are living in now?... We cannot deceive God, but what is his(Mike Guglielmucci) purpose of telling lie? Let God to judge. In fact, when I heard of the story of that song couple of months ago, I like it more, it is helpful, ...... but after I heard of the news, I felt disappointed, I can only say nothing, but pray. We are all weak people, but in Christ, we can live a fantastic life, we can be a very strong people. And we are made to glorify HIM.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Lord, I need Your blessing.
If I'm going to tell you that you need to go through many sufferings for the blessing. Will you still dare to ask it from God? In this sense, perhaps some people may firstly see how big it is, what kind of suffering it is, they compare the cost before they make their decision, however, somehow we may need to think about this whether it is something that please our Lord or not. ... Don't know what? I see this title on the cover of a book on my table, and naturally I come out this thinking.

Due to certain reason, I was almost in a tension mode everyday I think, but I was able to cope with it, by the power of God, it is relieved I think. And I am strong, God's words in me. Because sometimes I just even couldn't remember that problem or matter. I've got the faith, in which I still hope in Him from time to time, but usually difficulty set me aside, Satan wants to use it to attack me, and yet, the grace granted is always sufficient for me to handle. In time of trouble, let my cry be hear, and You always are the one who cares the most, You know me very well, You want to help me out from every moment of suffering, Your eyes focus on me, and let me learn to trust at Your mighty words diligently. ...... amen.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Do I dare to praise God publicly?

"Now I stand on solid ground, and
I will publicly praise the LORD." - Psalm 26:12 (NLT)

Do I dare to praise the LORD publicly? Perhaps, yes, perhaps no. I highlighted "solid ground", what is "solid ground" here about to say? Sometimes, I think it is something to do with my faith, that's why there will be a problem to praise God publicly.

Day off will always be going like a rushing hour which usually passing away so quickly. Perhaps I wasn't managed well my schedule. Please review!! Oh God, please grant me a wisdom of task-planning. Let all things to be done smoothly by Your blessings.

I felt so good, swimming in the early morning was really good good. The weather changed so fast, after I returned home from swimming, it was becoming as dark as it could... a lot of grey clouds hanging & floating on the sky...... rains was soon come down.....

With a new-purchased umbrella, I've got myself breakfast home... well well well... I enjoyed the weather... I liked the winds...... haha......

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why did Jesus come?

This is the Choir from Kowloon City Baptist Church, Hong Kong, namely 城欣樂團, wow... English hymns, Chinese hymns... they sang and performed very well!! Praise the Lord!

We have Dr. and Mrs Mark Terry with us this morning, He is from Malaysia Baptist Seminary. The topic he shared this morning was, Why did Jesus come? (John 1:14:18)
A very familiar topic I ever heard of. I think, it has been a long time already, and now is the time to refresh myself. "Why did Jesus come?"
3 reasons:
1. Jesus came to reveal God to mankind.
2. Jesus came to give us grace.
3. Jesus came to lead us to glory.

And again, "His mercies are new every morning!" this is something sound like God keeps reminding me from time to time recently... I've heard this written in a song, in the DVD video,Beth Moore's talk, and again this morning... Dr Mark Terry mentioned it again in his message. I paused... I've this words in mind, I think that God is calling me for the quiet time every morning. Isn't it? We shouldn't overlook bible by just only reading those devotional materials. God's word is the bread of my life.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Seeking God

In fact, I was thinking to go again to the book fair on the last day-Sunday, But since I needed to work, and to avoid missing out the fair, I went again to the book fair tonight after my work.
I grabbed 3 items,
1. Your Money Counts, The Biblical Guide to Earning, Spending, Saving, Investing, Giving, and Getting out of debt, Howard Dayton
- This is what I need to learn from time to time, let's see how the author says it in a biblical way of references.
2. Holy Bible, NLT-New Living Translation, 2nd Edition
- This version is really translated in a very simple form of English.
3. Live Worship From Passion 06 - Everything Glorious - DVD video
- I wish to experience the wonderful live worship from passion 06. I like the talk of Beth Moore, the way she speak and talk is just like a fire burning my soul.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Life is good...

My eyes were focusing to 2 of the top politicians from United State recently. Fighting for the President. ... it is absolutely not an easy job. ... the challenges which needed to face and to take are very very big. I really have the interest to know more about their biography...their stories... their books. ...

After my work, I went to the Christian Book Fair, I was really so excited... but when I reached there... the atmosphere was a bit desolated and lonely, not much visitors, today is the first day, perhaps it was due to certain reasons, it was a night, it's Olympic season, still have 2 more days. Well, I've roughly browsed around, but I didn't buy anything, I think I will come again this Sunday. God bless!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

God is Good!

Thanks God! I was feeling good this morning while I was waking up from bed, I think that I've got better rest... but it would be pretty much better if I got some more rest for about half an hour. :-) I'm not lazy, but I expect a good health life everyday.
I received a call this afternoon, oh..Oh... he was my classmate of my secondary school, wow... I was so glad to hear from him... long time we never meet up... okay, it was so glad to dine out with him tonight for a small gathering, I thought he would have "bombing" me a wedding's attack, haha... since it happened almost like that, old friend would normally call up for wedding invitation purpose. haha... but not all are like that.
The Christian Book Fair will finally have to start by tomorrow, yeah!! This is the first times, May the Lord on high remember this event to work smoothly. All the best, have Your blessings giving out to the visitors.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

O Lord, take control of my mind

O God! I went to sleep an hour earlier than before last night, I wanted a good rest, but I failed to do so. What happened to me? I couldn't fall into sleep while my whole body was totally lying on bed. Many things were floating on my mind... O God! I really didn't expect this to happen. But I think that my soul was leaded by my mind, and my body was tied closely to my soul. They are all related to one another. I am God's creation, a real human being, I can think, I can walk, I can talk, I can breathe... and that, I need to learn to overcome this when it come across in my life so often. This is not something that will only happen once or twice, or a few times in life... but it does happen each and every day. Mindset... thinking... emotion, mind control should always bring or generate the positive outcome to us. O Lord! My God, Have Your peaceful mind in me. No worries, but calm and joy. Let Your word be my strength, & faithful bread.

O Lord, take control of all my mind, and I'm not totally losing myself, like I can't control myself, but I'm sensibly knowing Your presence, I enjoy Your goodness, I am awakening, I know You are holding my way in a very good manner and peace.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aren't we experience God everyday?

I purchased a book, God's Daily PROMISES for Men - DAILY WISDOM FROM GOD'S WORD. Just think that it was good, so I wanted to have it, and it would not cost me a lot, $9.90 only. I liked the words printed on the back cover of the book, "EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF GOD'S PROMISES EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR!" okay, let's see how I experience the goodness of it. :-)

I like reading, now I am waiting for the Christian Book Fair, wow, Praise the Lord, the organizer organises 2 parts of the book fair this year, the 1st 4 days are Christian English Book Fair, and thereafter, the subsequent 4 days for another week are for Chinese language. They are doing greater job! Praise the Lord again, and May God bless the event.

Awakening - Christian Book Fair 2008

The 4th Asia Christian Book Fair is soon coming! Yeah! I might have to grab somethings there. :) let's see...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Day Off

Day off!
Slept not well last night... Swam in the morning...... forgot to brush my teeth......
Took rest at home...
went through a lot of stuff..... watched Beijing Olympic...... diving, shooting, weight-lifting...
those outstanding athletes are confident, calm... & strong...
the potential of man is really so incredible... Amazing God! I praise You.
Life is busy!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Without God we have no identiy

It was drizzle this morning while I was taking a taxi to church. By the way, thanks God! It has stopped after the church service.

Thanks GOD! We observed the Lord's supper this morning, I really enjoyed from the time I stepped in the sanctuary until we sang the song of doxology and received benediction. Yeah!!

"God's Way Is Not Our Way" (Exodus 2:1-25)
Since Pastor John has started to study Exodus with us before this, I thought I would have to spend that particular time with a complicated and very hard understandable message. But, I was wrong, it wasn't something like what I thought of, and God has made something different, He is so amazing, and really I could comprehend what pastor told, and noted the important points down.

1. God's way is no our way.
:: God's way is higher than man.
2. Without God we have no identity.
:: What is my identity? It reminds me to be humble of myself.
3. God takes time to equip His servants for their work.
:: There's always a right time for all.

All these were the reflection of Exodus 2: 1-25.

Doing exercise is always good to health, however, due to the condition of my body wasn't that good today, I jogged for only 2 rounds tonight. oh ya... God, thanks for the good weather.

I've learned more about the word of honesty during the time I was watching a true story of a man on the TV, it was very moving story to tell of, it didn't say anything about honest, however, I found it through the story...... and I got a perception of life, it is about honesty, so I said,

"Let's face the world honestly, and you'll experience her beauty very much more than you can think of."
This is what I've tried my best to describe it, and as if I say in Chinese, it can be

誠實地面對世界﹐你就會經歷到所未能想像的美好。 or
Anyway, I just think that I still cannot fully express it all as what I've gained. Perhaps, one day I will be able to write it out entirely.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Peace in God

Jesus is my rock!
My stronghold in the mountains!
He is my shelter from every hard moments.
In Him I take rest in peace.
Refining love never make His love fades away,
but the joy is overflowing from every parts of my heart.
With tears I cry, I sing to Your holy name,
I could not tell how I appreciate You so much,
only I hope to dwell in Your presence now,
have a silent heart, listen to Your lovely voices,
and Your love, Your tender mercy,
are bringing me closer to You,
You give me strength, You're my comfort,
the way I walk, always in your care,
No matter ups or downs,
in Your time, You will make a way.
For me, You will grant the best!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcoming ceremony - Beijing Olympic 2008!

WOW... It was really really a very wonderful opening ceremony!!
Congratulations! China.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

God is my strength

Another and another morning I wake up for my life... usually it should be a new blessed day, filled with hope, & love. And it is. I should say many thanks to God instead of throwing my mind into a raging seas, it is worthless, & wasting time. I should work with a thankful heart, God is with me, always. Let me think the positive way. Happy is not just a influence from outside, but it comes from a deepest way in a heart of satisfaction.

Thanks God! It was raining heavily this afternoon, and this have nourished the land. It was very hot this few days, and I could feel that I almost fall sick, I've started having a light cough. Still dare to drink cold beverages? hey man, take care.

I was a little bit not so happy, and felt disappointed tonight, it was not the first times already, it was really very sad that if you're really in a need of help, and your friend is able to assist you, but he/she ended you up without showing any concerns. It was really not nice for being like that, perhaps there should be a reason, I don't have to be too minded of it, and I was asking back myself, "Am I a good friend of friends?" No one is perfect! but what does a friend mean? Forget about it. Yeah! I should believe that God will always make a way to help me. Hope in Him, and continue to have faith!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

12th Anniversary in Christ Jesus

I couldn't sleep well last night.... how poor I was! I hate mosquito. ...
I took sick leave today, eventually I decided to go to see doctor this morning... wow... a lot of patient was sitting in the clinic I usually go. Without expecting to wait so long there, I went to another clinic beside, but it took me quite sometime to wait there, well, I think, it was almost 1 hour... almost...... I shouldn't complain... because the clinic isn't set up to serve me alone, there are other people out there who are more in need, I must be considerate of others. This was what I told myself this morning, thanks God! I felt better when I was thinking that way. And of course, finally it was my turn, the doctor made use of a particular tool to take out the fish-bone in which stuck in my throat, he wore a spotlight on his head to spot the fish-bone in my throat, my mouth was opening with shouting a word, "AH" continually, he used a specific tool(it wasn't small) to clip the fish-bone out, wow... big action, thanks God! he got it. Then, I knew how long it was, the bone is around 0.5 - 1.0 cm long, O God, it has afflicted me for almost 3 days... Thanks God! I didn't need to take any liquid or medicine, as there was no inflammation sigh found in my throat after the inspection, just see how the condition will be for the next few days... hope that every thing works well.

This is the 12th year, 12th anniversary in Christ,... it looks like this is my last year in my primary school, to God be the glory. Because I'm still following... He is my God! Have faith! Normally I used to write poem or song to remember this day, but this year I didn't, I just wrote a simple writing - the languages of distance-距離的語言.
( )
I hope to go on my faith in Him, no matter what, ... faith on!!



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So Tired

So tired... so busy...
All this could weaken the passion of life...
I've got something to do, but I was rather taking rest... doing nothing... so tired...
go to sleep... by the way, I wasn't defeated... It will be a new beginning tomorrow!



Monday, August 4, 2008


It's a new morning, every day is new to me, oh ya, it's true. Thanks God! Day off. I don't need to go out for work. Without taking too much time lying on bed... I got up and before long, I went down to the pool, swimming... yeah! 5 rounds. It was refreshing, having a morning swim was really nice! haha... but it seemed that every hour goes, every step I chase. I didn't want to waste time, though I wasn't need to work today. Time is so precious to me, and yet it seems that usually I can't handle it well. O Lord, have Your mercy on me, help me.

Today was quite hot, well, I think the weather for this few days was not so good, though there was no rains here, but high temperature it was. And I could see that there were haze of smoke somewhere around. ... must really take care of myself, and my throat was still poorly in pain. Once I'm swallowing, the fish-bone stings me. ... een... I hate fish-bone.

It was nice, I did enjoy my shopping this afternoon, I carried a lot of stuff home... a bulk of daily necessities were so heavy to carry... it wouldn't cost me so much, but I was so tired for carrying those stuff in about 15 minutes walk. sweating... but thanks God! the winds were blowing along the way I walked.

Finally, I have had my hair cut this evening, in fact, I was thinking of getting a different new hair-style...and have my hair dyed... but it was just fine, just keep it simple-Cut & Wash... cost me at a fair price. haha...

Recently I was reading about the title of fellowship in the book of purpose driven life..... this is what I expect to involve... I know that God knows, and I've my own problems... O Lord, please make a way!

At The Cross - Hillsong

At The Cross

by Reuben Morgan & Darlene Zschech

Oh Lord You’ve searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me

Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was she'd for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now

You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me

You tore the veil
You made a way
When You said that it is done

And when the earth fades
Falls from my eyes
And You stand before me
I know You love me
I know You love me

I like this song very much... it is very touching...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

God's Purposes can't be defeated.

Another Sunday Service started... rushing into the sanctuary with my every quick footstep and receiving warm welcoming smiles and handshake...... meanwhile, the church was all standing and continued to sing praise to God...... I was late... and there were more coming in one after one...... late... late ... late... Bad habit!

Pastor John started the study of Exodus with us today, and will continue to the end of it. "Who is the author of this book?" he asked. I replied silently in my heart, "Moses". ... then, I received the same answer as well. Yeah!

"God's Purposes Can't Be Defeated." (Exodus 1:1-22)

O Lord, How glorious Your purposes are!
I've noted some words I considered that they were good to ponder.
God has us right where He wants us to be.
Emigration is not the solution.
Much of the time we go unappreciated and overlooked.
The greater the affliction, the greater the growth.

After work, I went to the PC Fair, so I didn't have body exercise tonight, there were so crowded always, so I tried to visit as soon as I could, I didn't want to spend so much time there, and finally I left with the SD card I purchased, cheaper. :-)

Oh it was really so uncomfortable... so careless I ate the fish tonight... a fish-bone stuck in my throat..... hopefully it would be better at tomorrow morning. eeeh....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

You are here and everywhere

Life is just like that, a lot of stuff cover me up all the way I run, I just can't imagine that how come my life now is so busy, what matter is, I hope that I'm handling it well. I know it is not 100% perfect, because sometimes I'm distracted by some other things too, it can be good, and it can be a total rubbish as well. By the way, every times I hope that I'm doing better than before. And that, it is a learning, a studying, and a growing of my life. And in God's eyes, I won't disappoint Him so much. O Lord, at the time of my weaknesses, and there Your Glory will show. How amazing that the people You made open up their mouth to sing praise to You when they are in suffering!! If it is not because of Your love, what else can I say? Your love is my strength, and You are my joy! O Lord, I need You, You know, and that's why You are here and everywhere. O Merciful God, thanks for Your undying love and Your greatest love. I love You, God.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The best time to love is now

The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.

- the book of the purpose driven life