Sunday, November 30, 2008

Riding the Road Wisely...

Day off~ Thanks God!
I woke up very early this morning, I was on my way to a friend's church for a visit. ..... I failed to reach to the destination, supposed I could get there, however, I chose to travel else way alternatively, with map and GPS... failed... so xxxxx.. actually, I was quite disappointed. Anyway, that's the fact. Okay, forget about it. Indeed, I traveled a lot today... day and night... wow... crazy. By the way, I did a lot of works. Thanks God!

Thanks God, my friend came over to my place this evening, and gave me some guidelines of the traveling road, I think I will be able to visit his church next times, thanks for the instruction.

Without waiting any longer, I grabbed this book, the price so cheap, $17.00, its normal costs $34.90 at some other bookstore(s), and the other published version too. It can be found in the The Garden. Yeah!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Seeking A New Page....

At last, a friend left this company, I guess, this times, this is not a fake news. I did not confirm with her verbally in a direct way. Okay, "keep in touch" was the last word on the phone I spoke. "sure", in reply. Okay, that's all. ................... Will it be easy to get a good job? ... By the way, What is it mean by a good job, a suitable job? is it means high pay? good working environment? nice colleague & superior?...... Okay, I think I would say that we won't be able to find an absolute answer for this, because we may find that somebody finds a good job easily, and somebody not. Then, does "Luck" exist? Or we may just surrender to the fate of our life consciously and unconsciously? ...... many things happened... many questions asked in doubt... we wondered... and we just wondered, but we still live on our journey with our strong inner will. We Need to Be Strong, And God Makes Us becoming Stronger...

A rose is beautiful and attractive, but there's thorn that can hurt you, once you approach it, please make sure that you're well prepared... you better be careful.
One thing I remind myself again tonight, nothing special, but it's just matter to us, it sounds like this,
" When You are doing good to others, please do not expect your Reward. "
We are happy, and very happy, because we are good to some other people. And we may learn and understand more what love is all about.

Well, it is a good consolation to me, God sees every little things that we've done... and the goodness is the gifts that are accumulated lifetime in home above.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Glimpse of the night of wedding dinner

I would never think that I would have gone to the wrong place for my friend's wedding dinner. Oh God~ Yes, I was completely went to the wrong place last night. I've parked my car, I paid for the parking fee, I walked into the restaurant, and I found the wrong new bride and groom, I went up to 1st floor and saw nobody. Oh God~ ... then, I only realised that I lost my way to the destination. I called my friend...... it was another place right behind at one of the big shopping centre in the city. ... Thanks God~ Finally I was managed to get there successfully. Yeah! Met up old friends, we were allocated at the same table with some other people, ... it's great! We did have a good time there. Two person(s) were absent on our table, therefore, we all eight persons really couldn't finish all the food served. It was a waste,... perhaps... waste. Now I really miss some of the meals.... -.-

Hong's Wedding Dinner

It's so good to gather for the dinner.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Defeated... fell sick. Took sick leave today.

After church I went home, and went to see doctor as well. Thanks God! I didn't lost my way while I was driving home, and it was very funny to use the GPS, quite accurate. haha... Lunch... taking rest at home...
Thanks God~ my friend told me no need to be his bro. (to bride's house) this morning last night, it was good, God worked everything for good. My body was so weak? Doctor always give me antibiotic, I don't need it, else my immune system may become weak, so smart, I could be a doctor myself, sigh~~ haha...

Last night, it was good, visited my friend, had had my dinner there (Chinese Tradition - dinner served before the wedding dinner), his house was fulled of people (family, friends & relative)... met an old friend there, it was glad, we enjoyed "Martell", my friend's friend commented that it was a fake wine, however, we all couldn't differentiate it, we knew only to drink and to taste... haha... We all come from the same hometown, they've settled down here... haha.... time passed by so fast...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Feeling not Well

Really not feeling well, I was thinking to take MC today. However, for the consideration of the appointment made in between my superior and I with somebody, I decided to go out to work. And tonight... after coming back from the office, again received a call from a colleague, telling me that my boss asked me to open the office door tomorrow morning. Oh God! Isn't it already assigned to some other people to do that task? Continually, that will be the 3rd times for me to carry out the duty for the 3 subsequent days. I was thinking to take MC, let's see how my condition be......

Oh God~ take me out from the current situation that I am struggling with.
Life can be brilliant, it's all about You.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Swimming in the Rain was so Enjoyable

A very good morning, woke up early, and I cooked myself a simple breakfast. YEAH! so Good I felt. At the meantime, I've got something to drink-dessert, my housemate cooked it overnight. Thanks!!

It was so glad to receive a sms tonight. A friend of mine invited me to go to his house for dinner on the coming Saturday, and be his bro. to go to his bride's house in the next morning. haha... wah... it will be very exciting.

Going out to swim tonight. My housemate was going back while swimming in the half way. Haha.... you know what, it was raining suddenly... and was very heavily rained down to the pool... wow...Wow... I had never experienced like this before... it was so exciting... cool. haha... very enjoyable... I continued to swim in the rain... it's liked a crazy guy, there were only 4 person(s), including me, taking the rain shower and swimming fun in the pool. It was great! and a very good experience to me. haha.... crazy... and I was very happy. haha... all my clothes were getting wet badly (all exposed to the rain).... COOL... :-) thanks God! no lightning. hehe

It's very glad, I received a call from my younger sister tonight. We've had a short conversation. It's fine. ~~ Btw, just hope that the photos I took, would look better to them. haha...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Live Like a Man.

"Red Cherry Tomato", since a few days ago I started to buy a tiny box of red cherry tomato for myself to eat. Haha... slowly and slowly I think, I will be able to get use of its taste. Good! I ate it in raw. Suppose I bought it for my cooking occasionally. ^.^ I tasted it a few times tonight.. some more...

"Eat like a man, Everyday." I read this title in a magazine, I like the title very much, this has brought my mind into another saying, "Live like a man, Everyday."
Well, we are human being, the most valuable creature of God, we have flesh, we have blood & we have spirit. We know how to think rationally, to love, to care, to look after one another, to speak.... However, do our life really reveal the standard of human morality? The words, "like a man" really catch my attention heedfully. A man shall live like a man. Should we waste up our time and energy in doing any other things that are considered rubbish? Do not regret ourself before it's too late.

Well, I gotta sleep early... must gain a good spiritual mind and healthy body.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Take Care

Day off~
I woke up early in this morning. What had I done? Oh ya, it's something about hospitality... what? okay, don't get me wrong, I was washing my car. Good!... Haha... Thanks God! No one was having any car wash there, so I didn't need to wait or to queue. ... After that, went for swimming..... feeling Good~

Well, today was quite busy too... a friend called me up this morning and came over to my place to find me, we lunched together this afternoon. I knew his intention-it's all about his financial package(s) matter again. But it's ok, we're friend, I just hope that our conversation was not only just for that reason. The only thing that embarrassed me was that, he always like to ask personal matter(s). And I've to learn the way to keep it back as my privacy. I can answer him nothing. Can't I? I just hope that he can be respectful to me as well. I know it's the way he is trained to probe into others' personal details. But please do respect others.

I went out to a place for shopping this afternoon. Well, it's quite relax... however, if I were ...... then, it should be better. .........

I was too full tonight..... I couldn't finish my food in which I bought from the night market. Okay, if it's still good, perhaps, it can be my breakfast tomorrow morning...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bad? In fact, it is good.

If God is the compass of my life, then, what should I refer while I am driving on the road? The GPS of my mobile? Based on my experiences?...... Subsequently I lost my way home these two day(s), this was not because of I even couldn't find a way home. But, it was because I wanted to explore another routine back. Since the distance is near, I thought I could go home smoothly in a short while. But, I was wrong totally. "Short-cut" is always cost us high in return.
By the way, I thanked God! At last I still managed to get home with the assistance of the signboards that were placed along the side of the road and highway. Well, I just think that, sometimes, a signboard could be a mistake, because it might mistakenly confuse us. Isn't it?

I don't know why? It just bothers me like that, job is boring. ... but we still need to work for life survival. (God, you're not forgotten) But if work only for money, then, honestly to query ourself, can it fill up the emptiness of our heart successfully and completely. ... anyway, I still believe that money is not everything. But the love (of God).

A friend asked me to join for the climbing of Mt. Kina___ next year or the following year..... but I couldn't commit anything to her yet........ actually I was thinking to climb again before this. But since age is growing up.... and at this circumstance, perhaps it might be hard for me to climb again. Circumstance is not allow..... Perhaps... just perhaps.....

Last Saturday and Sunday I didn't do any exercise, as I needed to catch up with my train and my flight (tired journey) for my trip. Okay, fine. Tonight I swam again for several round.. YEAH!... After dinner, I went out for shopping, thanks God! My housemate(s) joined me. So I got somebody to assist me for the direction of the journey. I told them I lost my way just now and yesterday night, but it was fine, they encouraged me, at least I would know well the right direction next times. Ya, they're right too. Something we view it as a bad thing, but when we view it at another perspective, it is actually something good to us. And this remind me about the message shared in Church this morning--- Paradox. Something is not good, but actually it is good.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amazing God

God is so Amazing!
Oh, my friend, thanks for your remind tonight, it lightens my heart...
the word(s) are simple, but it direct and focus to my weakness.
What else, apart from saying thanks!

Friday, November 14, 2008


After returning from my trip, I still have no time to take a rest I think. .... O ... God... very busy~
Sometimes, when I look at this, I feel like not to blog, I have no mood to write. tired... What goes wrong? In fact, I've a lot of joyful words to share, but at the other side, there's something which is hard to express. Well, I think time is the most honest and faithful companion. She can tell you the truth, and the reality. Many things need time to show their best result. It might be long or in a short while. Like a common saying in Chinese, "路遙知馬力﹐日久見人心。" We may not get to know a person well at the beginning, but time will reveal his/her real self.

What makes life so complicated?
Can honesty really work?
When you are really feeling so tired... and you've got no energy to turn on your mind... and now, it's the right time to take a good rest-----sleeping.

Friday, November 7, 2008


It's so glad to grab a gadget this afternoon, actually I was asking my colleague to accompany me to shop for it yesterday... but because of his tendency to certain interest, so it was delayed to today. Original new buddy... in fact, I was fond of the pink red color shown in the magazine, but the fact is, it's not that nice as compared to the one displayed in the magazine. Then, I decided to get this, black color, 6210 navigator(slide). Finally, and I'm updating my gadget to the latest version that has been launched 2 -3 month ago... My friends/colleagues used to complain about my mobile was so outdated. Anyway, the reason I changed my mobile was not due to their complains, but I changed it, because I wanted to change. As my mobile was really got problems, it's fast to run out of battery, and not enough memory. Yeah~

The time is soon coming...... however, I still haven't finished my works yet...... Hopefully, I can finish it before I depart for my trip...... YEAH~~~~ Thanks for a colleague's wishes on phone tonight... "Happy Holiday..." Thanks... people in the company seldom send best wish to me.... Thanks God!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It was so excited to buy something for my younger sister this afternoon. Haha.... it's my very first time lah...... The sales consultant thought that I was buying that for my girlfriend. But, she was wrong. I wasn't, it's for my younger sister. ^_^ ... Just hope that she'll like it.

And tonight, I showed it to my housemate(s), they all were giving a good feedback to me, thanks~ ^_^ It's very glad...
thanks a lot for the soup, friend. Good taste~ Next times cook more please... haha..... I guess it was like a remind to myself, long time I have no cooking already.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Feeling Good~

Today, feeling GOOD~~
A little conversations..... it has made a big difference.
You make me smile. Thanks~

It's so glad to link back a friend tonight in facebook, wow... unbelievable...
10 years... it's not a very short time... I really appreciated that this sis. still remember me.
In God we're one family.


Sunny Day...
Conversation removed misunderstanding...
Conversation cultivated understanding more...
Conversation refreshed stuffy mind...
Conversation cleared out blindness...
Conversation linked us closer than before...
Conversation turned a cloudy day into a sunny day...
we need conversation... though it's just a little while,
It has already made a very big difference.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Down... but Keep Hope Alive!

I really appreciated a friend who was helping me to buy breakfast this morning. Thanks A Lot! ...

You know what, I thought I would have been going through a delightful day, but I was wrong I would say. Was it completely insane to do something like what I was thinking of? And I would consider it good enough to move on. But it's just so unsearchable in thought. If I could control my mind, I would turn off the every moment that make me so down all the time.

Long long long time I've not been seeing this scene---sunset. It's just enlightened my heart... thanks... I was a bit excited when I saw it, and at the meanwhile I was about to call somebody to look at this, but no one ... office was almost empty... and it almost 7pm. Without pausing for any longer, I took out my DC and caught these scenes. okay, fine, though it wasn't so beautiful. Well, I just think that it would be so good to go to the beach side to enjoy the sunset with someone special. :-)

Didn't know what's the reason I snapped at this... somebody like clubbing... passionately dwelling for nightlife...... but somebody not...... we're all human being... we've our very own character... what will bring them joy, and they'll seek at it... but what is all our heart needs the most? ... think about it...

On my way home, ... it was quite down my mood... and this happened... somehow it reminded me when I saw a sentence printed on a T-Shirt that somebody was wearing, "Keep Hope Alive." ..... I asked myself, .... Am I going to give up something?.... why is this trying to remind me or say to me?.... Keep Hope Alive, when you're just in a very bad circumstance. Isn't it?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Be my strength & comfort

Thanks God! Day off.
Taking rest at home... waking up late... no swimming in the morning... meeting someone in the morning for xx matter of agreement and breakfast.

I was suddenly not feeling well in the noon time, (food-poisoning?) however, I felt better after taking bath & having a nap in the afternoon, ... ... I just think, if I want to take care of other people, self-care is too a very critical matter. If I don't have a healthy body, it will be hard to do so, and it shall be come with a healthy mind as well.

Met a friend that has been long long time no correspondent, it's glad to link us back in facebook today. Many of us have been growing up into a mature person...... time passes so fast.

Reading at night... but I still haven't finish that book...... still need some more time......

Last night was so tired, headache... almost fainted, it's bittersweet. Anyway, it's so warm, thanks for the SMS, my precious friend, it comforted me so much......

Tomorrow is a BETTER day. :-)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


It was damn an awful night~~~ I couldn't sleep last night...... tossed about in my sleep almost the whole night... extremely suffering torture from insomnia..... x_x.... what was it in my mind...... ......
Couldn't sleep, headache....... cried to God, "O Lord... I can't sleep..."
Waking up so early in the morning.... went down to swim...... & I didn't feel the water was cold, but warm... hot...

Anyway, I didn't take it as an excuse, as usual... went to Church... again, a familiar face, greeted to me at the main entrance of ground floor, "Good Morning!", replied with a smile, "Good Morning~". Okay, it's just a simple way of greeting. I didn't have very much in mind about this. Went up to the sanctuary, ....... this times, a lady came to the empty seat beside me, by the way, she looked familiar to me, ..... okay, nothing special, usually everyone used to be like that, take their seat, and sit down. This morning, there's a special item-kids performances(singing & dancing) .... wa Wa WA....... so cute, so innocent, so beautiful...... all their performances were just so wonderful, and won a very big claps from us..... I really appreciated those Sunday School teacher(s) ' spirit of professionalism. Thinking that it is not easy to educate a child.

Damn tired... felt like to sleep while I was listening to pastor's sermon. x.x...... something happened...... it was when I finished my silent meditation, and at the meantime, that lady who looked familiar was still closing up her eyes for prayer(s).... waiting for a while... at last, she finished it. Looked at me and smile, she started to talk to me, and was asking me that how long I attended this church. ...... where I stay? ....... she invited me to join CG (Care Group), but I paused for a while suddenly, and was looking at her without saying out a single word. Isn't this what I have been expecting all the way I come over here since just a year ago? How come now I reply no word? ... I knew that what's the reason(s)...... this is how a person's reaction after a year has just passed away, then only he receives this invitation. perhaps......
Anyway, this is the very first time someone talked to me(then, I realized that she was actually the one who greeted me several times at the main entrance in several morning)... no blaming, but I was very glad. The conclusion is, welcome me to join the care group. Thanks sister, I remember your name. Perhaps, I will consider to join later......
However, at the other side, I was regretted actually, God has sent me a angel to direct me, but I've just simply rejected it like that. ...... what's happening? man.

Busy... tired, sleepy.... eating also no appetite.... but, I still need to carry on some of my task(s) that I considered it vital .... thanks God, for the strength given. ...... God bless........ take care....
Thanks God! At last, it rains today.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I woke up quite early this morning... I wanted to do something..... haha... I thought that she might be wondering why this guy was sending the SMS so early in this morning to her, indeed, I needed her favour. Anyway,... it's okay, after receiving the SMS, then I knew that it was not necessary for today. She thought that it was me that needed it..........kept on asking me, sure or not- no need? (in fact, I weren't going to HQ today) ..... sure, no need for today lah. Thanks! By the way, was what had happened this morning good or bad?... ... ........ Just Give thank to God!

Situation seems like is getting better... I must put more efforts on patient...... pray that God will make it a blessing to me. Oh... God... no more failure please. It was a long time I didn't see the smiling face of the night moon... and tonight.... on my way home, I saw the smiling face twice again, it's liked the moon was telling me something good, tomorrow is a better day, a better day is just ahead. Be courageous, be strong, be wise, be happy... okay, it is fine!

Eventually, I've finished the "secret" DVD (I think, it took almost a year for me to finish it... so unbelievable... are you kidding me, friend?... ya, no kidding.)... very romance & sad story.... anyway... a story is just only a story......