Monday, August 25, 2008


Two nights I couldn't fall sleep as fast as normal. It was a torture to me. Sleep late, wake up early.
As usual I went down to swim for 6-7 round, it was kinda release to me from a restless body condition. Because I really felt better after swimming. The weather for these few days weren't that good, it was raining almost everyday... and I couldn't jog last night. Must do exercise to refresh my mind.

Hanging out to a shopping complex this afternoon with aims to buy a new cloth for a wedding dinner and to check my contactless smartcard which I usually apply it for my public transportation expenses, however, I've got nothing done for either new clothe purchasing or smartcard checking. It was alright I've not got the new clothe, but I was not satisfied to the services I obtained from smartcard service call center & counters, I just think that I've been fooled by them, perhaps they weren't with that intention to do that, but the service was poor. They asked me to go to the particular locations where the service is totally out. And I've been spending my time to travel from one place to another place for the checking request. Every time I reached to each of the instructed service counter, they told only the service was down, and asked me to go somewhere else for the checking again, ...... I asked them that when the service will be working well again as normal, they told me they didn't know... Oh God~~ wasting energy, wasting time, wasting money travelling around... I was about to blow up. But thank God, I didn't, it was worthless to do that. Sophisticated technology brings us convenient, but it can also produce the unexpected inconvenient complexity to us.

Another bookstore in the city I've approached this afternoon, wow wow wow... it is very big... it consists of a wide range of reading sources... I cannot just allow myself to browse for several minutes.... I think I've spent about an hour there... it was enjoyable... yeah~
Reading in a fast way, I've finished up "The Law of Attraction", ... there was a message that caught my attention...

"Being selfish is simply an act of self-care."

It seems really make sense, acceptable in today's world, nothing is wrong, however, biblically saying, isn't it selfish a sin? ... in other word, is this theoretically against to the teaching of the bible?
What do you think?

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