Thursday, February 28, 2008


雖然是休息日﹐今日很早就有missed call, then, another incoming call... my mobile was vibrated ... since I was already awaken, then I answered that phone, which was looking for my house mate, and so early I got a missed call from my manager, then, I knew what was happening, and gave returned call. Although it is my off day today, but, mostly I couldn't sleep well. Why was this happened ah?? 是不是沒有好好禱告﹐生活處理得不夠有條有理。喔﹗主啊﹗求你憐憫孩子﹐幫助孩子。

Actually there will be no training for tomorrow, but again, I received a sms from my manager, informed that there will be a training tomorrow morning. And yet, thanks God! because I don't need to reach there 1 hour and 30 mins early. Training hour started as my usual working hour.

感謝主﹗今日下午﹐午餐後﹐我到家外的一間髮郎修剪頭髮﹐本欲打算剪+洗+染色。後來﹐我只做修剪+洗。成果都滿意﹐價錢比上次去隔壁那間便宜一些﹐剪﹐就感覺那間較有技巧﹐而洗﹐也是感覺那間分數較多﹐至於環境嘛﹗各有各長啦﹗無論如何﹐it's okay. As long as they don't cut an unimaginable ugly hair-style for me. But of course, I may rather choose the better one. haha...


時間好快﹐外頭從早晒到夜的衣服都還不干﹐因為氣候不好﹐下雨來﹐風又不大﹐so 起不了什麼作用來風干衣裳。待明早啦﹗

I'm still thinking, guessing... is there anyone I am able to invite to go to the evangelistic movie successfully this Saturday??

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