Sunday, January 20, 2008

I am in Your (God) Presence

So terrible. I continuously couldn't sleep well for several night. :-(
Coughing is harmful to health, particularly in my sleeping time. O Lord, heals me to be recovered from it quickly.

Thanks God! I am not late this morning...
In the praise and worship time this morning, the song with the word of "I am in Your(God) presence." caught my attention. I just think that most of the time, I will say "God is always there with me." "God be with me." I just realized that, I shouldn't be just know God is with me, but "I am in His presence." Perhaps the meaning might be similar, however, the understanding is more than that. I am not merely know that God is with me in passive, but "I am in His presence." It is now, and it is happening now and on. I should walk in His presence, and I am in His presence means that I am walking with Him now, and furthermore, this is true, it is not just an imagination. And if this happens at all times, why should I fear of the difficulties, trials, threats...? Just live in the truth, and I 'll be free, dwell in a peaceful mind.

This morning message is How to be a vibrant church? verse of reference:- Revelation 3:1-6
Pastor Eddie pointed out 5 diseases afflict delay church.
1. Spirit Anemia
-church lost passion to serve.
For this subject, we are taught the word - Enthusiasm is come from "En theos" , which means "in God." so good to understand this.
2. Acute Deli-gitis
-not dedicating to God.
3. Cancerous structu-ritis
-lack of training for the new generation of church. For example, when the pastor left, no one is able to lead the church.
4. Arthritic Komo-notus
-do not attend fellowship, do not join care group, no quite time...
5. Dysfunctional Relato-sis
-gossiping... say bad word about Pastor...

Listening to these... where am I? I asked myself silently...

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