Monday, January 5, 2009

Leisure sickness

oh God~
Well, I think I better not to take the pill of flu again tonight. It was so toughed, so tired, so hard and so impotent to get up in the morning; I didn't feel any better, it was a torture either. This had made me unable to wake up at the time I set. That's the side effect. Anyway, I was thankful to God that I was able to get my "wife" servicing this morning, and got it completed at the noon time.

Gladly I browsed around for my own stuff in one of the giant shopping complex of city. Though I didn't get what I expected fully, but at least I got myself something. Thanks God!

Though the day was busy to me, but it was quite relax actually. Perhaps, I shall say that it was my leisure time. It would always insufficient to me. Too many things have to do, but do the things that are more important. That's how we handle our daily routine. Oh God! bless us.

"Leisure sickness", what have caused this to afflict mankind? Take care man. Oh God! Please have Your mercy on me, Your mighty hand heals me. Hopefully I am able to get well soon.

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