Continuously, I went down to swimming yesterday & today morning. I wanna burn away my fat. haha... I enjoyed so much swimming in the morning I think.

Supposed this was my lunch, but as something was just unpredictable happened, (offered up my favour to a friend, and a friend's sweetheart, I've become a driver, haha, thanks God! We didn't lost our way in & out.) it has become my dinner. Haha... & my lunch was a Korean food. Haha... To be honest, I hadn't finished it. :-( sorry...felt a bit guilty... no appetite? why? so full after coming back from shopping. Well, I think I ate a lot today... sugar-free ice cream, Coffee Jelly w/ cream..... If everyday were like that, then, body shape might have some kind of unexpected symptoms ... haha...
I 'm extremely happy tonight!! It's something that hardly I couldn't express from the bottom of my heart. :-)
May God continue to bless on this matter!
Oh ya... it is! 本來就是我的午餐﹐後來演變成我的晚餐。﹕)
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