Merry Christmas!! 聖誕快樂﹗蒙主恩﹗
昨夜入睡得遲﹐所以﹐今早起身返教會的Christmas Service, 體力顯得有點不夠﹐可是﹐我還是有力量﹐因為衪的聚會吸引我﹐衪愛動人。聖誕節﹐心情顯得格外興奮﹐不同的﹐就是自己在不同教會渡聖誕節。仍要感恩﹗﹗I'm not alone, because He is with me, & there're a lot of brother & sister there too.

實在感恩﹗今早有23位弟兄姊妹進行baptism, 感謝主﹗受浸見證主是何等美麗﹐何等榮耀上帝的事。這讓自己聯想起自己好多好多年前也是進行浸禮的﹐只是可惜﹐沒人幫我拍到在池內浸下水的情景。有點可惜。那也不要緊啦﹗事都已過了許久﹐重要是自己靈命的見證。主啊﹗求你幫助我。此外﹐也有membership transfer. 但願在這個大家庭里﹐大家都能同心一齊服事上帝。
Blessed Christmas! Thanks God! Pastor announced that the countdown last night(5 churches participated) worked smooth. And I just find that we aren't got enough sleep, but we're all here to worship our God in church this morning without absent, it is very Good. Thanks God.
The praise & worship was so good this morning!! When singing the song of "How Great is our God", it was very nice and so wonderful experience, we all put our hearts wholly to worship Him, this pleased Him a lot. O Lord, may You accept our worships. How great is our God, and Yours is the Kingdom. Your birth brings hope to us. You're my strength in time of trouble.

"Seafood Alfredo", this was my lunch today, so nice, it tasted good! :-) And it was so glad to receive a call from one of my brother in Lord this afternoon, and knowing that they were having a very good time in the event of "Church Big Gathering" in Melaka. And good to hear that some sisters in Lord who I know well also joined the gathering, and got some more from Hong Kong too. O ya, Lord, please bless them as they're gathered for your sake. Amen.
Another new movie to watch at the cinema this afternoon, "AVP2- Aliens vs Predator 2". first day on show, Action, si-fi, thriller. acting so cruel... killing... but "Is there any alien in the Universe?"
嗯~ 您說的對。又是喔﹗將來在天家可以慢慢欣賞個夠。哈哈。:-)
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