Last day of 2007.
想著這一年的日子里﹐真的發生不少的事情﹐太多了。這是洪水之年嗎﹖可是﹐它依然滋潤著上帝帶來的愛與歡樂。頓時想到﹐在艱苦難熬﹑悲傷的日子里﹐真的是不堪設想﹐然而﹐在其中數算上帝的恩典﹐其實是一種幸福。Learn to count His blessings in time of difficulties, trials, sorrows, sadnesses or tribulations. And there we found, it would be more for thanksgiving to God.
今晚﹐無意中﹐發現另一位海外弟兄的blog﹐真的好久沒聯絡﹐沒消息﹐這時﹐一看﹐才發覺他已經剛有了一個孩子。嘩~ 恭喜哂﹗看了﹐真的感覺好溫暖。 時間真的好快。讓人不成長也不行﹐即時人停下腳步﹐地球的轉動也是不斷的走動的。
一年結束﹐就為thanksworthy matter(s) Give thanks be to God. 不忘記主的恩典﹐讓主激勵我一生。主啊﹗讓我學識更曉得感恩﹐將榮耀歸讚美獻於你的祭壇前。願你悅納。
" 撿起心情里面的文字﹐要向世界宣告在生活里的力量... "
" Gathering up the words of heart, and declaring to the world the power of life... "
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Be a committed Christian
Give Thanks to the Lord! For the year of 2007.
Today service is the last service of the year 2007. ... so fast.
And the topics is " An Alien Lifestyle In The Midst of Suffering (Part II) " (1 Peter 1:13-25)
1st. Be Holy
2nd. Conduct ourselves is fear.
3rd. Love one another from the heart.
There are 2 "DON'TS" being said by the Pastor, which mean Good, and require me to revise and study.
" Don't just be a comfortable Christian, be a committed Christian. "
" Don't be a loveless Christian, be a loving Christian. "
My body is still not in a good condition, though I got two days off for sick leave. And I need to work today. By the way, Praise the Lord.
I am in bad mood caused by certain matter tonight, and thanks God that I've a good and warm long conversation with one of my best brother in Lord.
And try to be humble ourself and learn from our trials in which we go through in our life.
May God widen my heart, grant me a humbly attitude and wisdom to face and overcome the problem I encountered. Oh, Lord, comforts me. amen.
Today service is the last service of the year 2007. ... so fast.
And the topics is " An Alien Lifestyle In The Midst of Suffering (Part II) " (1 Peter 1:13-25)
1st. Be Holy
2nd. Conduct ourselves is fear.
3rd. Love one another from the heart.
There are 2 "DON'TS" being said by the Pastor, which mean Good, and require me to revise and study.
" Don't just be a comfortable Christian, be a committed Christian. "
" Don't be a loveless Christian, be a loving Christian. "
My body is still not in a good condition, though I got two days off for sick leave. And I need to work today. By the way, Praise the Lord.
I am in bad mood caused by certain matter tonight, and thanks God that I've a good and warm long conversation with one of my best brother in Lord.
And try to be humble ourself and learn from our trials in which we go through in our life.
May God widen my heart, grant me a humbly attitude and wisdom to face and overcome the problem I encountered. Oh, Lord, comforts me. amen.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
“ 願敬畏耶和華的說﹕他的慈愛永遠長存﹗” 詩篇118:4
“ 有耶和華幫助我﹐我必不懼怕﹐人能把我怎麼樣呢﹖ ” 詩篇118:6
“ 萬民圍繞我﹐我靠耶和華的名必剿滅他們。 ” 詩篇118:10
“ 有耶和華幫助我﹐我必不懼怕﹐人能把我怎麼樣呢﹖ ” 詩篇118:6
“ 萬民圍繞我﹐我靠耶和華的名必剿滅他們。 ” 詩篇118:10
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
“ 因為有你﹐我更愛我自己。”
... 我愛我自己嗎﹖... 我愛。我有多愛我自己呢﹖...... I paused for a while... for this I myself shall know, and Father God! You know me very well. I can't hide before You.
我當學習如何愛自己﹐如何更新自己。再者﹐就是要曉得如何愛上帝。回應上帝的愛﹐在什麼時候﹖It can be anytime, anywhere...
今晚聽某教會的pastor的講道﹐活力十足﹐自己也被他的信息所觸摸﹐那是聖誕節的信息﹐他是位年輕的pastor, 講道恩賜佳﹐感謝上帝﹗話語滋潤我心房。O Lord, thank you.
“ 因為有你﹐我更愛我自己。”
... 我愛我自己嗎﹖... 我愛。我有多愛我自己呢﹖...... I paused for a while... for this I myself shall know, and Father God! You know me very well. I can't hide before You.
我當學習如何愛自己﹐如何更新自己。再者﹐就是要曉得如何愛上帝。回應上帝的愛﹐在什麼時候﹖It can be anytime, anywhere...
今晚聽某教會的pastor的講道﹐活力十足﹐自己也被他的信息所觸摸﹐那是聖誕節的信息﹐他是位年輕的pastor, 講道恩賜佳﹐感謝上帝﹗話語滋潤我心房。O Lord, thank you.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
What's my New Year's Resolutions?
Christmas just passed by, a new day to start. and it always fill with hope, & love. Have faith.
It just so hard to wake myself up this morning, though I got a good rest last night. But just feeling a bit tired. Perhaps I myself is doing very less exercises. Review, review. What's a odd feeling this morning, that was the hunger of the soul & spirit. It need the words of God indeed. Why missed it up the hour for God alone? And it is no doubt that Jesus has said, "He is the bread of life. "
New year 2008 is around the corner, and as normal, people shall cheer up, showing joyful... because it will be a new year coming over, however, for the hidden reasons left behind, it does make people feeling down, and yet, if turning back my eyes to Lord, and there is always hope, because He is my hope. Just strengthening my faith, and the verse said, "casting all your care upon Him, for He care for you. " Thanks GOD!
I purchased 2 magazines home tonight after my work, just hope that I can gain useful knowledges and information from it, and get myself an improvement in certain lifestyle or etcs.
I better work out my New Year's Resolutions. & get my new year plan done. Oh Lord, please assist me. I need a wise thinking brain in which I can handle myself successfully. O Lord, I need Your involvement. Please lead me to be in the right point. Amen.
It just so hard to wake myself up this morning, though I got a good rest last night. But just feeling a bit tired. Perhaps I myself is doing very less exercises. Review, review. What's a odd feeling this morning, that was the hunger of the soul & spirit. It need the words of God indeed. Why missed it up the hour for God alone? And it is no doubt that Jesus has said, "He is the bread of life. "
New year 2008 is around the corner, and as normal, people shall cheer up, showing joyful... because it will be a new year coming over, however, for the hidden reasons left behind, it does make people feeling down, and yet, if turning back my eyes to Lord, and there is always hope, because He is my hope. Just strengthening my faith, and the verse said, "casting all your care upon Him, for He care for you. " Thanks GOD!
I purchased 2 magazines home tonight after my work, just hope that I can gain useful knowledges and information from it, and get myself an improvement in certain lifestyle or etcs.
I better work out my New Year's Resolutions. & get my new year plan done. Oh Lord, please assist me. I need a wise thinking brain in which I can handle myself successfully. O Lord, I need Your involvement. Please lead me to be in the right point. Amen.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!! 聖誕快樂﹗蒙主恩﹗
昨夜入睡得遲﹐所以﹐今早起身返教會的Christmas Service, 體力顯得有點不夠﹐可是﹐我還是有力量﹐因為衪的聚會吸引我﹐衪愛動人。聖誕節﹐心情顯得格外興奮﹐不同的﹐就是自己在不同教會渡聖誕節。仍要感恩﹗﹗I'm not alone, because He is with me, & there're a lot of brother & sister there too.
實在感恩﹗今早有23位弟兄姊妹進行baptism, 感謝主﹗受浸見證主是何等美麗﹐何等榮耀上帝的事。這讓自己聯想起自己好多好多年前也是進行浸禮的﹐只是可惜﹐沒人幫我拍到在池內浸下水的情景。有點可惜。那也不要緊啦﹗事都已過了許久﹐重要是自己靈命的見證。主啊﹗求你幫助我。此外﹐也有membership transfer. 但願在這個大家庭里﹐大家都能同心一齊服事上帝。
Blessed Christmas! Thanks God! Pastor announced that the countdown last night(5 churches participated) worked smooth. And I just find that we aren't got enough sleep, but we're all here to worship our God in church this morning without absent, it is very Good. Thanks God.
The praise & worship was so good this morning!! When singing the song of "How Great is our God", it was very nice and so wonderful experience, we all put our hearts wholly to worship Him, this pleased Him a lot. O Lord, may You accept our worships. How great is our God, and Yours is the Kingdom. Your birth brings hope to us. You're my strength in time of trouble.
"Seafood Alfredo", this was my lunch today, so nice, it tasted good! :-) And it was so glad to receive a call from one of my brother in Lord this afternoon, and knowing that they were having a very good time in the event of "Church Big Gathering" in Melaka. And good to hear that some sisters in Lord who I know well also joined the gathering, and got some more from Hong Kong too. O ya, Lord, please bless them as they're gathered for your sake. Amen.
Another new movie to watch at the cinema this afternoon, "AVP2- Aliens vs Predator 2". first day on show, Action, si-fi, thriller. acting so cruel... killing... but "Is there any alien in the Universe?"

Blessed Christmas! Thanks God! Pastor announced that the countdown last night(5 churches participated) worked smooth. And I just find that we aren't got enough sleep, but we're all here to worship our God in church this morning without absent, it is very Good. Thanks God.
The praise & worship was so good this morning!! When singing the song of "How Great is our God", it was very nice and so wonderful experience, we all put our hearts wholly to worship Him, this pleased Him a lot. O Lord, may You accept our worships. How great is our God, and Yours is the Kingdom. Your birth brings hope to us. You're my strength in time of trouble.

Another new movie to watch at the cinema this afternoon, "AVP2- Aliens vs Predator 2". first day on show, Action, si-fi, thriller. acting so cruel... killing... but "Is there any alien in the Universe?"
Yours is the Kingdom
Hillsong United - Yours is the Kingdom
Yours is the Kingdom
And the power
And the glory forever is Yours
Heaven and earth bow down
In the wonder of Your Name
Heaven is open
Death is broken
And the glory forever is Yours
Nothing can overcome
The power of Your Name
King above kings
All the universe will sing
Everlasting God
You are wonderful
You are wonderful
And the shout of the earth
Will be Your praise
God forever
And the light unto all
Will be Your wonderful Name
For the glory Lord is Yours
God forever
All the glory Lord is Yours
I like this song very much when we sang in the Christmas Service of the Church this morning. And of course, the other one is the "How Great is Our God". The Praise & Worship group did very good job. Thanks God.
聖誕節崇拜 + 受浸禮
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Christmas Eve day!!
My mood quite excited today, as it is a special day to come. And tonight I attended the Christmas Cantata of the church. Lovely Christmas songs and dances were being sang and performed. Thanks be given to GOD!!! Because they're three person committed themselves to God after the message given by the pastor. To God be the Glory.

聚會完畢﹐我們走到某電腦電子商廣場外的 Christmas Countdown 處﹐感謝主﹗郭牧師被允許在公眾場合有5分鐘分享福音的機會。榮耀歸於主﹗上帝實在是要工作﹐衪若要工作﹐沒什麼可以難倒。感謝主﹗當晚有City Harvest Church的弟兄姊妹多元化表演耶穌降世話劇加舞蹈以及KLBC教會的Christmas Cantata & Dancing. 感謝主﹗

雖然自己中途離場﹐因夜﹐沒有參與countdown, 可是﹐內心則因主的工作﹐以及弟兄姊妹的努力也感到十分的興奮與感恩。感謝主﹗﹗
今日紛紛sms, msn , to greet the message of "Merry Christmas". So excited! and so glad. :-)
My mood quite excited today, as it is a special day to come. And tonight I attended the Christmas Cantata of the church. Lovely Christmas songs and dances were being sang and performed. Thanks be given to GOD!!! Because they're three person committed themselves to God after the message given by the pastor. To God be the Glory.

聚會完畢﹐我們走到某電腦電子商廣場外的 Christmas Countdown 處﹐感謝主﹗郭牧師被允許在公眾場合有5分鐘分享福音的機會。榮耀歸於主﹗上帝實在是要工作﹐衪若要工作﹐沒什麼可以難倒。感謝主﹗當晚有City Harvest Church的弟兄姊妹多元化表演耶穌降世話劇加舞蹈以及KLBC教會的Christmas Cantata & Dancing. 感謝主﹗

雖然自己中途離場﹐因夜﹐沒有參與countdown, 可是﹐內心則因主的工作﹐以及弟兄姊妹的努力也感到十分的興奮與感恩。感謝主﹗﹗
今日紛紛sms, msn , to greet the message of "Merry Christmas". So excited! and so glad. :-)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
" X'Mas " without "Christ" is not a “Christmas”
The title of today message is "An Alien Lifestyle In The Midst Of Suffering" (1 Peter 1:10-12)
Pastor didn't encourage us to migrate to other country, said that our own country is the best.
And as for me, I do agree, however, ... not absolutely.
For those who used to send "x'mas" greeting to others, were reminded not to write that again. Pastor clarified that " X'Mas " without "Christ" is not a Christmas. Because "X" is not "Christ". And we're celebrating Christ's birthday, not "X"'s. Therefore, we should write "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in our sms or season's greeting card to others. And thanks be to God for I can share this message to one of my friend tonight. Let's learn together.
Tonight I went to cinema to watch "I am Legend" with friend. The movie is ok, quite excited, adventurous, with good sound systems played, many scenes came with a scaring shocked, really made people scare. haha... and it got some scenes described about relationship & love were really a touching feel. & when talked about sacrifice, it was all about LOVE. Then, but why Robert Neville being a brilliant scientist didn't believe the existing of God when million of people were infected by the terrible virus?
I am grateful for the "long ngan" drink offer to me by my housemate. Thanks! It's nice.
The title of today message is "An Alien Lifestyle In The Midst Of Suffering" (1 Peter 1:10-12)
Pastor didn't encourage us to migrate to other country, said that our own country is the best.
And as for me, I do agree, however, ... not absolutely.
For those who used to send "x'mas" greeting to others, were reminded not to write that again. Pastor clarified that " X'Mas " without "Christ" is not a Christmas. Because "X" is not "Christ". And we're celebrating Christ's birthday, not "X"'s. Therefore, we should write "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in our sms or season's greeting card to others. And thanks be to God for I can share this message to one of my friend tonight. Let's learn together.

I am grateful for the "long ngan" drink offer to me by my housemate. Thanks! It's nice.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
今早同事又給我看她心肝寶貝女兒剛出世沒多久的相片﹐嘩~~ 實在是很得意很得意啊﹗好可愛﹗如果以後我有孩子﹐要一定要很active, very cute的﹐哈哈﹗她女兒現在已經小學生啦﹗我笑她再追多一個男的﹐哈哈~ she said, stop production already. no more production. 夠了﹐搞笑。現代國內的華族家庭都不多生幾個﹐一兩個孩子 已夠了。經濟不好﹐沒有政府津貼﹐需要自力更生。養幾個孩子都要考慮清楚。
Thanks Harman for sending this Christmas Tree to me via msn, it's very nice!!
* . ' +:..:+ ' *
. * ☆☆☆ * Merr ' .
* ' +: + .:+ Christmas
' ' ☆☆☆☆☆ * '
* * +: :+@+: :+ ' *
* . .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' * .
. +:..:+&+: :+: :+
* . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' *
' . +: :+♡+: :+§+:..:+
. * ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ' *
. . ▨ ' ' *
今早同事又給我看她心肝寶貝女兒剛出世沒多久的相片﹐嘩~~ 實在是很得意很得意啊﹗好可愛﹗如果以後我有孩子﹐要一定要很active, very cute的﹐哈哈﹗她女兒現在已經小學生啦﹗我笑她再追多一個男的﹐哈哈~ she said, stop production already. no more production. 夠了﹐搞笑。現代國內的華族家庭都不多生幾個﹐一兩個孩子 已夠了。經濟不好﹐沒有政府津貼﹐需要自力更生。養幾個孩子都要考慮清楚。
Thanks Harman for sending this Christmas Tree to me via msn, it's very nice!!
* . ' +:..:+ ' *
. * ☆☆☆ * Merr ' .
* ' +: + .:+ Christmas
' ' ☆☆☆☆☆ * '
* * +: :+@+: :+ ' *
* . .☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' * .
. +:..:+&+: :+: :+
* . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ * ' *
' . +: :+♡+: :+§+:..:+
. * ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ' *
. . ▨ ' ' *
Friday, December 21, 2007
Mindset Control
“Sometimes, I allow negative circumstances to bog me down. I begin to develop an attitude of discouragement and oppression. Whenever this happens, however, God stops me at a checkpoint along His pathway and draws me back to His optimistic, constructive mindset. ...”
Taken from the book of "Lord, I need Your Blessing".
不知怎麼的﹐今日下班回家的路段中﹐我的心情是比日前輕省很多﹐心里很愉快﹐感謝主﹗醒悟﹕原來少讓自己在一天的工作時間內處於煩亂的環境之中﹐心情真的可以相差很大。主啊﹗是的。有些環境﹐能夠逃避﹐就避免是最好的。Praise the Lord with my whole heart.
Taken from the book of "Lord, I need Your Blessing".
不知怎麼的﹐今日下班回家的路段中﹐我的心情是比日前輕省很多﹐心里很愉快﹐感謝主﹗醒悟﹕原來少讓自己在一天的工作時間內處於煩亂的環境之中﹐心情真的可以相差很大。主啊﹗是的。有些環境﹐能夠逃避﹐就避免是最好的。Praise the Lord with my whole heart.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Gift
你的民多如清晨的甘露。” 詩篇110:1-3
好開心﹗觀察了好一段日子﹐今晚終於買了一雙 nike air運動鞋(不知怎麼的﹐因為它品牌的響亮﹐所以很有信心買下-耐用)。功能﹕ jogging, running, exercise, fitness 都沒問題。而自己也實在好久好久沒買運動鞋了。這算是送給自己的聖誕禮物吧﹗哈哈
你的民多如清晨的甘露。” 詩篇110:1-3
好開心﹗觀察了好一段日子﹐今晚終於買了一雙 nike air運動鞋(不知怎麼的﹐因為它品牌的響亮﹐所以很有信心買下-耐用)。功能﹕ jogging, running, exercise, fitness 都沒問題。而自己也實在好久好久沒買運動鞋了。這算是送給自己的聖誕禮物吧﹗哈哈
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
“ 他們與我為敵以報我愛﹐但我專心祈禱。” 詩篇109:4
今晚受邀出席一位朋友的聖誕慶祝會﹐有親手制成美味糕餅﹐pizza, bread, toasted chicken, chocolates, red wines & lots more etcs... games, and finally, the exchange of gifts. so nice!! and meet new friends there.
今晚受邀出席一位朋友的聖誕慶祝會﹐有親手制成美味糕餅﹐pizza, bread, toasted chicken, chocolates, red wines & lots more etcs... games, and finally, the exchange of gifts. so nice!! and meet new friends there.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
“ 求你幫助我們攻擊敵人﹐因為人的幫助是枉然的。
我們倚靠神才得施展大能﹐因為踐踏我們敵人的就是他。 ” (詩篇108:12-13)
這是自己支取能力又是自己喜歡的經文﹐沒有上帝的幫助﹐我能做什麼﹖極度有限。... 這是個每天都要經歷屬靈爭戰的時代﹐靠著上帝的大能﹐必能得勝。不好放棄﹗
我們倚靠神才得施展大能﹐因為踐踏我們敵人的就是他。 ” (詩篇108:12-13)
這是自己支取能力又是自己喜歡的經文﹐沒有上帝的幫助﹐我能做什麼﹖極度有限。... 這是個每天都要經歷屬靈爭戰的時代﹐靠著上帝的大能﹐必能得勝。不好放棄﹗
Monday, December 17, 2007
今晚一位朋友播電來傾訴說話﹐感謝主﹗在聆聽他人的苦情時﹐不覺中﹐上帝也藉著這事來撫慰自己的心。主啊﹗你是奇妙的主﹗Hallelujah! It is so good to watch the vcd-聊另類法 I purchased from last night preach of Pastor Timothy Lam.
今晚一位朋友播電來傾訴說話﹐感謝主﹗在聆聽他人的苦情時﹐不覺中﹐上帝也藉著這事來撫慰自己的心。主啊﹗你是奇妙的主﹗Hallelujah! It is so good to watch the vcd-聊另類法 I purchased from last night preach of Pastor Timothy Lam.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Preach God's Great Love & Salvation
以為今早在教會能夠有機會聽林以諾牧師的分享﹐不料﹐他是受邀在廣東堂與華語堂的聯合崇拜聚會里分享信息。After the service, I was in rush to the office to work. 哈哈﹐在走出會場的當兒﹐遠處門口﹐我看見了一個熟悉的臉孔﹐他是來自香港的永恆音樂事工的Gary廣源先生﹐欲跟他打招呼﹐可惜﹐人多不便﹐自己又趕時間。
聖誕氣氛已經散發﹐今早有唱Christmas Songs, so nice. And I like the song named "Great is the Lord" , it's really a very nice song, so easy to bring us into worshiping God. God is so so so GREAT!!!His love is unfailing love, never change!!
Today message topic is "Is it possible to have life while living? " (1 Peter 1:10-12)
And this topic is somehow related to God ' s salvation. Christians are saved by living death.
"Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul." I like this words very much. It is true. Sometimes, when life become so difficult and so tough, my faith just not that enough to make the Holy Spirit worry.
"Who are not living while 'alive'? " Review.
and the solution is just return to God 's great salvation.
After the service, we all received a tiny box - "Blessed 55 Anniversary" cake, the birthday of the church. It's all about God's love and Grace. Thanks God!!
從未想過﹐今晚會得到林以諾牧師大型棟篤笑佈道會YEAH SHOW 2007 - 你愛知-吾愛知的免費的入場TICKET。本來是問一位朋友今晚有沒有現場售票的﹐那知她說她有extra, 并為我找來一張﹐實在是恩典﹐感謝主﹗
下班後﹐就趕回家再去赴會﹐看著一大班弟兄姊妹來﹐實在很開心﹐也很感恩今晚林牧師做呼招時﹐一位姊妹帶來的朋友﹐願意走到台前決志接受禱告祝福。To God be the Glory. 今晚的信息當中林牧師的現身說法都非常的優默搞笑﹐且說得很有意思的。對自己的心靈也有更新﹐見證﹐基督徒的責任﹐與人相處。。。等。 今晚佳賓有eternity girls 領詩, 和鄧翠雯著名演員的見證。雖然需要購票入場﹐可是﹐來的出席的會眾不少。感謝主﹗﹗
謝謝Erica, Angie and Patrick. Thanks for the ticket.
以為今早在教會能夠有機會聽林以諾牧師的分享﹐不料﹐他是受邀在廣東堂與華語堂的聯合崇拜聚會里分享信息。After the service, I was in rush to the office to work. 哈哈﹐在走出會場的當兒﹐遠處門口﹐我看見了一個熟悉的臉孔﹐他是來自香港的永恆音樂事工的Gary廣源先生﹐欲跟他打招呼﹐可惜﹐人多不便﹐自己又趕時間。
聖誕氣氛已經散發﹐今早有唱Christmas Songs, so nice. And I like the song named "Great is the Lord" , it's really a very nice song, so easy to bring us into worshiping God. God is so so so GREAT!!!His love is unfailing love, never change!!
Today message topic is "Is it possible to have life while living? " (1 Peter 1:10-12)
And this topic is somehow related to God ' s salvation. Christians are saved by living death.
"Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul." I like this words very much. It is true. Sometimes, when life become so difficult and so tough, my faith just not that enough to make the Holy Spirit worry.

"Who are not living while 'alive'? " Review.
and the solution is just return to God 's great salvation.
After the service, we all received a tiny box - "Blessed 55 Anniversary" cake, the birthday of the church. It's all about God's love and Grace. Thanks God!!
從未想過﹐今晚會得到林以諾牧師大型棟篤笑佈道會YEAH SHOW 2007 - 你愛知-吾愛知的免費的入場TICKET。本來是問一位朋友今晚有沒有現場售票的﹐那知她說她有extra, 并為我找來一張﹐實在是恩典﹐感謝主﹗

謝謝Erica, Angie and Patrick. Thanks for the ticket.
Great is the Lord
Great is the Lord
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
The city of our God, the holy place
The joy of the whole earth
Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory
He aids us against the enemy
We bow down on our knees
And Lord we want to lift Your Name on high
And Lord we want to thank you
for the works You've done in our lives.
And Lord we trust in Your unfailing love
For you alone are God eternal
Throughout earth and heaven above
©1985 Maranatha! Music
Words and Music by Steve McEwan
Saturday, December 15, 2007
It was a busy day.
After work, my colleagues and I went to the grand final competition of World Marching Band 2007 tonight. I got myself a good seat offered with a very good view. haha... thanks! I really had a good time there though I didn't wait for the result because I went home before that. So tired.
Tomorrow need to attend Sunday Church Service. God bless.
“ 我躺下睡覺﹐我醒著﹐耶和華都保佑我。” 詩篇3:5
After work, my colleagues and I went to the grand final competition of World Marching Band 2007 tonight. I got myself a good seat offered with a very good view. haha... thanks! I really had a good time there though I didn't wait for the result because I went home before that. So tired.
Tomorrow need to attend Sunday Church Service. God bless.
“ 我躺下睡覺﹐我醒著﹐耶和華都保佑我。” 詩篇3:5
Friday, December 14, 2007
“你們要稱謝耶和華﹐因他本為善﹔他的慈愛永遠長存﹗” 詩篇107:1
曾經懷疑神嗎﹖還是﹐當為難繼續與自己相逢時﹐疑心又隨之發作了。那是不信的惡心。然而﹐神本來就是善美的﹐何等美好﹐何等恩典﹐衪的慈愛永遠長存。向誰呢﹖... 不就是敬畏衪的人嗎﹗
今午﹐老板見我﹐說了一句﹐“你瘦了﹐為什麼啊﹖” 我一時不知道怎麼回答﹐就說﹕近來吃得較少。不料﹐他說﹐“不要不開心...” 我一時無言以對﹐他說得也有道理。他又怎知道我不開心。哈哈... 或許﹐當一個人真的不開心的時候﹐身邊的人也會看得出來。我也知道自己的確slim a bit la. but now I'm working my way back. haha.... eat more a bit. Take good care.
工作很忙﹐促使今日的鋼琴課也變得匆忙﹐哈哈﹐謝謝﹗my teacher, thanks for your patient. I will do my best for the practice. I know it will be hard for me to play song that out of my present standard, but I am confident of myself to do that. I can do it one day :-)
曾經懷疑神嗎﹖還是﹐當為難繼續與自己相逢時﹐疑心又隨之發作了。那是不信的惡心。然而﹐神本來就是善美的﹐何等美好﹐何等恩典﹐衪的慈愛永遠長存。向誰呢﹖... 不就是敬畏衪的人嗎﹗
今午﹐老板見我﹐說了一句﹐“你瘦了﹐為什麼啊﹖” 我一時不知道怎麼回答﹐就說﹕近來吃得較少。不料﹐他說﹐“不要不開心...” 我一時無言以對﹐他說得也有道理。他又怎知道我不開心。哈哈... 或許﹐當一個人真的不開心的時候﹐身邊的人也會看得出來。我也知道自己的確slim a bit la. but now I'm working my way back. haha.... eat more a bit. Take good care.
工作很忙﹐促使今日的鋼琴課也變得匆忙﹐哈哈﹐謝謝﹗my teacher, thanks for your patient. I will do my best for the practice. I know it will be hard for me to play song that out of my present standard, but I am confident of myself to do that. I can do it one day :-)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
“ 要尋求耶和華與他的能力﹐時常尋求他的面。” ( 詩篇105:4)
睡眠不足夠﹐今日顯得很累﹐可是﹐我又可以撐得住﹐感謝主﹗昨晚MP4有問題﹐今日午候在那seller 處修好了﹐感謝主﹗我也得到了一點處理它那問題的知識。
睡眠不足夠﹐今日顯得很累﹐可是﹐我又可以撐得住﹐感謝主﹗昨晚MP4有問題﹐今日午候在那seller 處修好了﹐感謝主﹗我也得到了一點處理它那問題的知識。
A corner of marching band scene
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
今日時間滿滿的﹐忙一整天﹐白天工作﹐晚上出席World Marching Band Competition 開幕禮。
今早問候一位同事﹐請他喝飲品希望給他一點關懷﹐但願上帝繼續祝福幫助他啦﹗今午抓機會向公司其中一家合作許久﹐關係又好的遠方生意伙伴表示謝意﹐因為他們兩夫婦常常來這兒都會帶東西小禮來給我們當手信。如果說是商業手段﹐我相信那不會是絕對性的﹗那是人情味﹐我對她說cake bake得不錯﹐okay, 她說時間匆忙又累﹐本想不做﹐但是還是做了﹐趕不急做得好吃﹐... 聊了聊... 那是一份心意吧﹗我心里也愉快得多了﹐因為表示了自己的謝意﹐那也是理所當然的。離開時﹐也來了一個提早的祝福﹕Merry Christmas! haha...
今晚出席世界軍樂隊賽﹐無意中與同事都成了貴賓。哈哈... 搞笑﹐台上政要人物的那幾排座位﹐我們也不敢坐﹐哈哈﹐身份問題。台下旁那一些高價座位也已經很好了。我可算是第一次觀看軍樂隊比賽﹐自己看了也很喜歡﹐開了眼界﹐音樂的演奏﹐隊長領引角色﹐團隊精神﹐相互配搭﹐舞姿等等都顯得是非常關健的事﹐大家共同努力用心表演出來的結果是很美的﹐如果不合作﹐不夠團結﹐那就慘了。今晚冒著細雨去看了﹐總算沒有白費。也感謝上帝﹐那時也雨停了。
今早問候一位同事﹐請他喝飲品希望給他一點關懷﹐但願上帝繼續祝福幫助他啦﹗今午抓機會向公司其中一家合作許久﹐關係又好的遠方生意伙伴表示謝意﹐因為他們兩夫婦常常來這兒都會帶東西小禮來給我們當手信。如果說是商業手段﹐我相信那不會是絕對性的﹗那是人情味﹐我對她說cake bake得不錯﹐okay, 她說時間匆忙又累﹐本想不做﹐但是還是做了﹐趕不急做得好吃﹐... 聊了聊... 那是一份心意吧﹗我心里也愉快得多了﹐因為表示了自己的謝意﹐那也是理所當然的。離開時﹐也來了一個提早的祝福﹕Merry Christmas! haha...
今晚出席世界軍樂隊賽﹐無意中與同事都成了貴賓。哈哈... 搞笑﹐台上政要人物的那幾排座位﹐我們也不敢坐﹐哈哈﹐身份問題。台下旁那一些高價座位也已經很好了。我可算是第一次觀看軍樂隊比賽﹐自己看了也很喜歡﹐開了眼界﹐音樂的演奏﹐隊長領引角色﹐團隊精神﹐相互配搭﹐舞姿等等都顯得是非常關健的事﹐大家共同努力用心表演出來的結果是很美的﹐如果不合作﹐不夠團結﹐那就慘了。今晚冒著細雨去看了﹐總算沒有白費。也感謝上帝﹐那時也雨停了。

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
今早大約提早1小時出門﹐受促早到公司﹐因為有另一個session的training, 還好﹐這次的internet conversation more clear than before. 整個training時間花了約兩個小時多﹐這里與加拿大時差數字大﹐這里早上﹐那里晚上﹐哈哈... 那兒也整來帶有疲憊的聲線。辛苦了。
身體疲累﹐今日顯得較累﹐還好可以撐得住﹐然而﹐同樣地﹐公司內也出現不少比自己顯得更疲憊的同事﹐哈哈... 搞笑。
臨下班前半個小時﹐我抓機會主動與一位與自己關係不算很好的同事握手說祝福道別的話﹐因為今天是她的last working day. 感謝主﹗她也大方歡喜有誠意的與我握握手說謝謝。...... 另一位同事也竟然忍不住相告別時候的感動﹐紅了眼睛﹐掉下眼淚。畢竟人間是有情的。有人情味的社會﹐一定會很美的。
上司的妹妹給了她她們教會的God with us見證小書﹐可惜﹐上司卻將那書交給我一位信主的同事﹐而我同事又給了我一本﹐後來﹐我總經理的太太看見了﹐也拿來看看﹐我說給她看﹐對她說很好的﹐很好的﹐她說不要﹐不要﹐又說我上司的妹妹也有拿給她媽媽看﹐我說給妳﹐拿回去看啦﹗很好的﹐她又用手拿來看了一看﹐看了一會兒之久﹐又說不要。放下來了。願主繼續保守幫助我上司的妹妹繼續努力不灰心傳福音給她的家人朋友。主啊﹗記念。
身體疲累﹐今日顯得較累﹐還好可以撐得住﹐然而﹐同樣地﹐公司內也出現不少比自己顯得更疲憊的同事﹐哈哈... 搞笑。
臨下班前半個小時﹐我抓機會主動與一位與自己關係不算很好的同事握手說祝福道別的話﹐因為今天是她的last working day. 感謝主﹗她也大方歡喜有誠意的與我握握手說謝謝。...... 另一位同事也竟然忍不住相告別時候的感動﹐紅了眼睛﹐掉下眼淚。畢竟人間是有情的。有人情味的社會﹐一定會很美的。
上司的妹妹給了她她們教會的God with us見證小書﹐可惜﹐上司卻將那書交給我一位信主的同事﹐而我同事又給了我一本﹐後來﹐我總經理的太太看見了﹐也拿來看看﹐我說給她看﹐對她說很好的﹐很好的﹐她說不要﹐不要﹐又說我上司的妹妹也有拿給她媽媽看﹐我說給妳﹐拿回去看啦﹗很好的﹐她又用手拿來看了一看﹐看了一會兒之久﹐又說不要。放下來了。願主繼續保守幫助我上司的妹妹繼續努力不灰心傳福音給她的家人朋友。主啊﹗記念。
Monday, December 10, 2007
今日陰天﹐雨天﹐下了一整天的雨。雖然不是下大雨﹐可是﹐也足以沾澀了大地。雖然如此﹐還是打消不了出門的念頭--去逛街。可是﹐還是買不到欲買的東西﹐... 走到樂琴行﹐看keyboard & keyboard piano, feeling so good because I was freely to test the instrument(s) there. :-)
喜歡購物廣場的華麗聖誕節的佈置﹐fully filled with the atmosphere of Christmas season.
so nice. 人潮不少﹐我想﹐不少都是遊客吧﹗
At last, I finally meet up my insurance agent tonight for giving me the supplement(s) of all related documents. Thanks God! and God bless.
差不多走遍一整天的路﹐今夜實在感覺好累﹐好累﹗明早公司仍有另一個session的training. And I need to wake up earlier tomorrow morning. :-(
“我要一生向耶和華唱詩﹗我還活的時候﹐要向我神歌頌﹗” 詩篇104:33
喜歡購物廣場的華麗聖誕節的佈置﹐fully filled with the atmosphere of Christmas season.
so nice. 人潮不少﹐我想﹐不少都是遊客吧﹗
At last, I finally meet up my insurance agent tonight for giving me the supplement(s) of all related documents. Thanks God! and God bless.
差不多走遍一整天的路﹐今夜實在感覺好累﹐好累﹗明早公司仍有另一個session的training. And I need to wake up earlier tomorrow morning. :-(
“我要一生向耶和華唱詩﹗我還活的時候﹐要向我神歌頌﹗” 詩篇104:33
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Spirit Touch Your Church
Spirit Touch Your Church
By Kim Bollinger
Lord, I need Your grace and mercy.
I need to pray like never before.
I need the power of your holy spirit
To open Heaven's door.
Spirit touch Your church, stir the hearts of men.
Revive my soul with your passion once again.
I want to care for others
Like Jesus cares for me.
Let your reign fall on me, Oh Lord.
Let your reign fall on me.
Lord we humbly come before You.
We don't deserve of You what we ask.
But we long to see Your glory.
Restore this dying land.
Unconditional Obedience
Praise the Lord!
今早較觸心的詩歌有<Spirit,Touch Your Church> , <Jesus, We enthrone You>... etcs. however, I like all the songs sang this morning, so strong, so sweet, so beautiful, so warm, so touch...
Today message is "How to be a loyal Church?" verses reference: Rev 2:18-29
I like the way this Pastor preached the message, because he spoke very straight forward, and aimed to the needs of people heart or problem(s) that people struggled with.
Pastor did emphasize the word - "Tolerate". Do we tolerate anything in our daily lifestyle? Is it because everybody do that, so there is nothing wrong? It is ok? Do not abuse the word of "tolerate".
今晚在輕快鐵站看"Lord, I need Your Blessing"一書的時候﹐里面有一句話很值得深思﹕"He wanted my unconditional obedience. " The word - "unconditional" made me asked myself, "Do I have any conditions to obey God? " Perhaps "yes", there is, but I know that He is refining me, and I'm making more efforts to improve myself too.
Praise the Lord!
今早較觸心的詩歌有<Spirit,Touch Your Church> , <Jesus, We enthrone You>... etcs. however, I like all the songs sang this morning, so strong, so sweet, so beautiful, so warm, so touch...
Today message is "How to be a loyal Church?" verses reference: Rev 2:18-29
I like the way this Pastor preached the message, because he spoke very straight forward, and aimed to the needs of people heart or problem(s) that people struggled with.
Pastor did emphasize the word - "Tolerate". Do we tolerate anything in our daily lifestyle? Is it because everybody do that, so there is nothing wrong? It is ok? Do not abuse the word of "tolerate".
今晚在輕快鐵站看"Lord, I need Your Blessing"一書的時候﹐里面有一句話很值得深思﹕"He wanted my unconditional obedience. " The word - "unconditional" made me asked myself, "Do I have any conditions to obey God? " Perhaps "yes", there is, but I know that He is refining me, and I'm making more efforts to improve myself too.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
“願他以我的默念為甘甜﹗我要因耶和華歡喜﹗” 詩篇104:34
經已行動追逐信仰的腳步﹐可是﹐主仍未有顯著的開路。腳步繼續行走﹐我雖然看不見衪﹐可是﹐我深知﹐隨時衪都是在牽引著我手行走的﹐因為我尋求衪﹐而我仍要繼續尋求衪。喔﹗主啊﹗是的。明天又是一個主日崇拜日﹐好期待。盼望盡快投入主的家。O Lord, I put my trust in You, I know You will make a way, and has already been stretching out Your powerful hand. Have mercy on me, Lord.
經已行動追逐信仰的腳步﹐可是﹐主仍未有顯著的開路。腳步繼續行走﹐我雖然看不見衪﹐可是﹐我深知﹐隨時衪都是在牽引著我手行走的﹐因為我尋求衪﹐而我仍要繼續尋求衪。喔﹗主啊﹗是的。明天又是一個主日崇拜日﹐好期待。盼望盡快投入主的家。O Lord, I put my trust in You, I know You will make a way, and has already been stretching out Your powerful hand. Have mercy on me, Lord.
Friday, December 7, 2007
* 忘記背後﹐努力現在﹐用心信靠﹐勇敢向生命的路向繼續行走。
* 忘記背後﹐努力現在﹐用心信靠﹐勇敢向生命的路向繼續行走。
The climate turned cool since there was raining this morning. And I went out earlier than the usual day. It just a bit in rushed, as I was a bit late in time. However, I was managed to get to office before the training of the new system started. Several months later, and this was the second times we were having a NetMeeting over the internet to Canada with our new customized system provider and software consultants. And it took about 2 hours plus for the meeting.
經常雨天顯得有點不方便。感謝主﹗下班前半小時﹐雨晴﹐但已是黃昏時分。時間好快的。今晚臨回家前買了一條皮帶﹐不錯﹐有5折﹐不然也不會買。今日查了自己的體重﹐輕了2+公斤﹐though I didn't join any fitness centre for any exercises activities, and my weight became light. Is it worth? haha... if it is healthy, then, fine. But, I myself must exercise. This is the lesson.
Otherwise, I shall take the consequences caused.
“至于世人﹐他的年日如草一樣。他發旺如野地的花﹐經風一吹﹐便歸無有﹔它的原處也不再認識它。” 詩篇103: 16-17
經常雨天顯得有點不方便。感謝主﹗下班前半小時﹐雨晴﹐但已是黃昏時分。時間好快的。今晚臨回家前買了一條皮帶﹐不錯﹐有5折﹐不然也不會買。今日查了自己的體重﹐輕了2+公斤﹐though I didn't join any fitness centre for any exercises activities, and my weight became light. Is it worth? haha... if it is healthy, then, fine. But, I myself must exercise. This is the lesson.
Otherwise, I shall take the consequences caused.
“至于世人﹐他的年日如草一樣。他發旺如野地的花﹐經風一吹﹐便歸無有﹔它的原處也不再認識它。” 詩篇103: 16-17
Thursday, December 6, 2007
“天離地何等的高﹐他的慈愛向敬畏他的人也是何等的大﹗東離西有多遠﹐他叫我們的過犯離我們也有多遠﹗” 詩篇103:11-12
今晚那一班的輕快鐵里﹐坐在我面前的那一位小女孩好可愛﹐她吃餅干﹐我看著她﹐她不好意思﹐笑了起來﹐含羞的樣子好可愛﹐然後﹐仰首用雙眼轉向頭頂上鏡子照著的我的樣子﹐她偷偷望我﹐我看看她﹐微笑﹐她不好意思含羞的笑了笑。哈哈... 好可愛。
今晚那一班的輕快鐵里﹐坐在我面前的那一位小女孩好可愛﹐她吃餅干﹐我看著她﹐她不好意思﹐笑了起來﹐含羞的樣子好可愛﹐然後﹐仰首用雙眼轉向頭頂上鏡子照著的我的樣子﹐她偷偷望我﹐我看看她﹐微笑﹐她不好意思含羞的笑了笑。哈哈... 好可愛。
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
“惟有你永不改變﹔你的年數沒有窮盡。” 詩篇102:27

今日午餐與一位同事到公司隔壁那間新興超高級購物中心的food court午餐。選了一間﹐叫了一道肉碎豆腐飯吃﹐不會很辣﹐只有少許份量的chilies, Thanks God! The taste of the meal still sound good. OKAY!! And yet, my colleague complaint about the air-condition not so cold. Ha..ha.. perhaps it was the stress of work caused. By the way, we just relaxed and enjoyed our free hour there.
So nice the decoration for the performance stage. 在不同的時間表里﹐在這里有節目欣賞。昨天看見一班衣著華麗的舞蹈員表演跳舞﹐好像disneyland 那種的節目那樣。哈哈
昨晚一位姊妹說我瘦了很多﹐我聽了有點擔心﹐今晚又聽到問候為什麼那樣憔悴。Oh God! Is it? I think I better review myself, and take care of myself.

今日午餐與一位同事到公司隔壁那間新興超高級購物中心的food court午餐。選了一間﹐叫了一道肉碎豆腐飯吃﹐不會很辣﹐只有少許份量的chilies, Thanks God! The taste of the meal still sound good. OKAY!! And yet, my colleague complaint about the air-condition not so cold. Ha..ha.. perhaps it was the stress of work caused. By the way, we just relaxed and enjoyed our free hour there.

昨晚一位姊妹說我瘦了很多﹐我聽了有點擔心﹐今晚又聽到問候為什麼那樣憔悴。Oh God! Is it? I think I better review myself, and take care of myself.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
“因為耶和華本為善。他的慈愛存到永遠﹔他的信實直到萬代。” 詩篇100:5
Monday, December 3, 2007
He Will Carry You
HE WILL CARRY YOU by Scott Wesley Brown
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep He cannot sooth it
** If He carries the way of the world up on His shoulder
I know my brother that he will carry you
If He carries the way of the world up on His shoulder
I know my sister that He will carry you
He said come unto Me all you are weary
And I will give you rest.
Chinese translated version:
沒有一個困難 大到上帝不能解決
沒有一座山 高得上帝不能遷移
沒有風浪 大到上帝不能平靜
沒有傷痛 深得上帝不能撫慰
祂說: 凡勞苦擔重擔的,可到我這裡來,
Sunday, December 2, 2007
感謝主﹗迎著期待的心情﹐返主日崇拜。那是對聚會的熱誠吧﹗清晨出門依舊追趕公共交通工具﹐感謝主﹗今早不用花多錢乘taxi. I just like the feelings of the morning moment, it is refreshing.
今早其中一首觸心的詩歌是 <He will carry you> by Scott Wesley Brown. I like the lyrics...
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep He cannot sooth it
And I realized one thing, there is no problem(s) in God, though the problem(s) exist in the eyes of man. 我們看似是問題﹐可是﹐在上帝那里則沒有問題。因為上帝是全能的上帝。
The topic of this morning service is "How can we cope with our present suffering?", and verse is referred to I Peter 1:6-9
Pastor did mention about the 4 things about suffering:
1. It won't last forever
2. It is necessary
3. It does come distress
4. It comes with a variety of different ways.
1. Love God
2. Trust Him (Christ)
"We don't rejoice, because we're suffering. But we rejoice because of the absolute certainty that God will carry us through." This is a so meaningful expression of word. However, most of the time people fall down, just because they lose their faith in Christ Jesus. 當牧師呼召﹐叫處於艱難中﹐需要禱告的弟兄姊妹﹐無論是在樓上或是樓下﹐都走到台前來﹐為他們禱告﹐也叫有職份的弟兄姊妹走到他們身邊或身後﹐為他們按手禱告。這是一個很感動﹐很美的一個劃面。When I saw somebody wept, and I knew for sure, they were really suffered, and yet, God has touched their heart deeply after the prayers. Thanks be given to God!!
下班後﹐與幾位同事結伴到對面商場shopping, I thought I would purchase a lot of stuff-clothes & shoe, but I left with an empty hand eventually after spending almost an hour there. My colleauges complaint on me that I was so picky. But whatever I wanted to buy, and there were no more stock. so ridiculous in thoughts. haha... I think it's okay, at least I don't need to spend any cents of money at tonight shopping. perhaps, God wants me to use my money wisely and carefully. Be thankful.
There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep He cannot sooth it
And I realized one thing, there is no problem(s) in God, though the problem(s) exist in the eyes of man. 我們看似是問題﹐可是﹐在上帝那里則沒有問題。因為上帝是全能的上帝。
The topic of this morning service is "How can we cope with our present suffering?", and verse is referred to I Peter 1:6-9
Pastor did mention about the 4 things about suffering:
1. It won't last forever
2. It is necessary
3. It does come distress
4. It comes with a variety of different ways.
1. Love God
2. Trust Him (Christ)
"We don't rejoice, because we're suffering. But we rejoice because of the absolute certainty that God will carry us through." This is a so meaningful expression of word. However, most of the time people fall down, just because they lose their faith in Christ Jesus. 當牧師呼召﹐叫處於艱難中﹐需要禱告的弟兄姊妹﹐無論是在樓上或是樓下﹐都走到台前來﹐為他們禱告﹐也叫有職份的弟兄姊妹走到他們身邊或身後﹐為他們按手禱告。這是一個很感動﹐很美的一個劃面。When I saw somebody wept, and I knew for sure, they were really suffered, and yet, God has touched their heart deeply after the prayers. Thanks be given to God!!
下班後﹐與幾位同事結伴到對面商場shopping, I thought I would purchase a lot of stuff-clothes & shoe, but I left with an empty hand eventually after spending almost an hour there. My colleauges complaint on me that I was so picky. But whatever I wanted to buy, and there were no more stock. so ridiculous in thoughts. haha... I think it's okay, at least I don't need to spend any cents of money at tonight shopping. perhaps, God wants me to use my money wisely and carefully. Be thankful.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
“ 你們當曉得耶和華是神﹗我們是他造的﹐也是屬他的﹔我們是他的民﹐也是他草場的羊。” 詩篇100:3
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