It was damn an awful night~~~ I couldn't sleep last night...... tossed about in my sleep almost the whole night... extremely suffering torture from insomnia..... x_x.... what was it in my mind...... ......
Couldn't sleep, headache....... cried to God, "O Lord... I can't sleep..."
Waking up so early in the morning.... went down to swim...... & I didn't feel the water was cold, but warm... hot...
Anyway, I didn't take it as an excuse, as usual... went to Church... again, a familiar face, greeted to me at the main entrance of ground floor, "Good Morning!", replied with a smile, "Good Morning~". Okay, it's just a simple way of greeting. I didn't have very much in mind about this. Went up to the sanctuary, ....... this times, a lady came to the empty seat beside me, by the way, she looked familiar to me, ..... okay, nothing special, usually everyone used to be like that, take their seat, and sit down. This morning, there's a special item-kids performances(singing & dancing) .... wa Wa WA....... so cute, so innocent, so beautiful...... all their performances were just so wonderful, and won a very big claps from us..... I really appreciated those Sunday School teacher(s) ' spirit of professionalism. Thinking that it is not easy to educate a child.
Damn tired... felt like to sleep while I was listening to pastor's sermon. x.x...... something happened...... it was when I finished my silent meditation, and at the meantime, that lady who looked familiar was still closing up her eyes for prayer(s).... waiting for a while... at last, she finished it. Looked at me and smile, she started to talk to me, and was asking me that how long I attended this church. ...... where I stay? ....... she invited me to join CG (Care Group), but I paused for a while suddenly, and was looking at her without saying out a single word. Isn't this what I have been expecting all the way I come over here since just a year ago? How come now I reply no word? ... I knew that what's the reason(s)...... this is how a person's reaction after a year has just passed away, then only he receives this invitation. perhaps......
Anyway, this is the very first time someone talked to me(then, I realized that she was actually the one who greeted me several times at the main entrance in several morning)... no blaming, but I was very glad. The conclusion is, welcome me to join the care group. Thanks sister, I remember your name. Perhaps, I will consider to join later......
However, at the other side, I was regretted actually, God has sent me a angel to direct me, but I've just simply rejected it like that. ...... what's happening? man.
Busy... tired, sleepy.... eating also no appetite.... but, I still need to carry on some of my task(s) that I considered it vital .... thanks God, for the strength given. ...... God bless........ take care....
Thanks God! At last, it rains today.