I slept early last night. And it was good! Though I felt like didn't want to wake up this morning. So greedy, demanding some more sleeping hour. Of course, I was not afford to do that. I needed to go out to work. It was just a beautiful day, a beautiful beginning in a refreshing morning. Yeah!
You know what, having enough sleep doesn't mean that all of your tiredness are gone. Funny is, I still felt tired. Then I knew what was the reason. It's not because of the antibiotic I took, but the flu's pill. Now you see, everything is a cost for it. With a tiring flesh, I went through the entire working day. Thanks God!
In fact, I was thinking to join the health seminar of church tonight, but for the sake of my body condition, I decided to go home to take rest. Ok, fine. haha... I got myself 3 packet(s) of Chinese herbals home. This was the suggestion of my boss's personal secretary. Thanks! Well, I don't know whether it is called "chinese herbal" or not. But in Chinese, they are "甘草﹐杞子﹐菊花". Ya, all this 3 items, get them mixed into a bottle with boiling water, cover the bottle for a while. Then, drink it. That's it. So simple, isn't it? haha...
See..... here you are.