Thanks God~
"Believing is not seeing." I've learned this for today.
I wanted to attend the Bible Study class, I didn't register for it this Sunday. And that, my CG leader was urging us-CG members to join, she encouraged us. I thanked God that I received her sms before this. Okay, let's go back to my point, I was reporting to work at HQ today, which is far away from my place and church. With Hope, and faith, all the barriers that restrained me to attend it were at end removed. You know what, traffic jam badly along the way to church. But Thanks God! I managed to catch up with the bible study class, though I was late for almost 15 minutes. We studied on the Book of Acts. Well, Well, well, it was really really my pleasure for being there.
I wanted to go, I knew the traffic situation at that time, however, distance and busy traffic road were not the stronghold to keep me from attending the bible study. Thanks God! Believing is not Seeing. Do not slide back for the difficulty.
I join a class for studying Psalms recently. Share with you one thing also, after reading Psalms and those beautiful verses in the bible - We shouldn't pray for a life without struggle, but rather for the strength to deal appropriately with these opportunities.
Keep your spirit!
Thanks for the encouraging words, ya, I agree. But the fact is normal people doesn't pray for a life of struggle too. haha... anyway, I get your point :-)
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