Friday, June 20, 2008

What is worship?

Many things have happened. I didn't know how to express my feeling when I heard of the political news happened in my hometown recently. But one thing, I just hope that we can have good assemblymen, and good government that is able to bring happiness and prosperous tomorrow for the country and her citizen. Otherwise, the nations would be in sufferings.

My sister called me this morning, talking about the trip, hopefully everything will work well, and is being remembered in God's hands. ... God bless... God bless... God bless... Oh Lord, I need Your blessings... Please remember my family, have your mercy on them, may Your love touches them deeply... ...
"Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship."
I like this definition of worship, it was taken from the book of the purpose driven life. It's nice. Worship is not something talking about the praise and worship only in the church service, but each part of a church service is an act of worship... we can worship Him anywhere, anytime, any circumstances... all about is to make Him happy.
O Lord, give me the strength that I can overcome what I am enduring now... Your love is so great... heal me, touch me, support me... You're so powerful... to You be the Glory.

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