Sunday, February 17, 2008

Faithful Christian, who is?

I guest last night wasn't too good for me, the temperature of the weather was high... but as for me, I was so tired, and even the energy to raise up to turn the fan into a high-speed mode also incapable. Haha... blurred..... anyway, thanks God! It was no late in attending the first day church service after coming back from hometown. :) I was just so excited.

Rev. Emmett Dunn was our speaker who shared God's word this morning, I couldn't remember which country he came from. But the sharing of God's word is good.
He somehow encouraged the church to become a faithful follower. And he defined the different between success and faithfulness. Success, we can see, it is visualized. However, faithfulness not. God wants us to be faithfulness, not success. And this, really need to think it over and over again. Let the word of God be cultivated in my heart deeply.

And after my work this evening, I was catching up the hour to my brother and sister in Lord's wedding's dinner. However, it was not like what I estimated, as the invitation card was written that the dinner will start at 7pm sharply, and it wasn't, 1 hour late. Come on, is this the culture of the community of Chinese in the country? haha...... improve, improve!!

Thanks God! The dinner worked well and smooth. And I did have a good time there. I met and know a couple there, Mr Wong and Ms Irene. very Nice and glad to meet you two, thanks for chat with me, or else I would be very boring there. Thanks!!

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