Sunday, January 6, 2008

In the presence of God


The speaker of this morning is Dr. Geoff Pound, he is from Australia, and he preached about the message of "So Much More", and verses are taken from Eph. 3:14-21 for reference.
This is something to do with how to understand the love of Christ.
"Do we walk in the right way in the presence of God?" This question catch my attention this morning. The word "in the presence of God", awake me & remind me, actually God is always there with me, no matter where I am, what I do, when is it? and He is just the only one who care the most for me, and be with me at all time, and yet, sometimes I just ignored His presence unconsciously, and was caught in a bad emotional situation.
Thanks God! He is righteous and capable of doing everything in the right way. He is faithful God! He is always willingly would like to speak to me, and assist me to walk in the right point, and keep me safe in stormy circumstances.

今晚寧靜時想起一句話﹐好記得初信時﹐有一位教會長老在寫給自己的書簽里一句引用聖經勉勵的話﹐“ 當跟清心禱告主的人一齊認識追求主。 ” 那時候﹐我很認同這句話﹐也很支持這句話﹐現在﹐我也同樣依然如此。我盼望自己的人生有值得學習的榜樣﹐就是從那些清心禱告主﹐愛主的人身上去學習。什麼是愛主呢﹖每星期返主日崇拜的就是嗎﹖如何定義﹖...... 不就是學習主捨己的愛的人嗎﹖

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