" 撿起心情里面的文字﹐要向世界宣告在生活里的力量... "
" Gathering up the words of heart, and declaring to the world the power of life... "
Thursday, January 31, 2008
“住在你面前” 很吸引我﹐這就是幫主同行﹐在衪的同在中﹐我活著。In His Presence, I stand.
How great is the blessings!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Holiday mood
那天主日崇拜期間﹐有介紹福音電影<真的戀愛了Love is ...>, 之前在網頁上也看過此介紹﹐真的想看﹐不知道現在有沒有DVD得賣。And this evangelistic movie will be shown on March in the lower sanctuary of the church.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
- 吸煙
- 高血壓
- 飲酒過量
- 肥胖
- 精神緊張
- 濫用藥物(如可卡因)
- 先天腦動脈瘤及腦血管異常
- 心臟病及其他血管疾病
- 糖尿病
- 身體變得虛弱,臉部、手臂或腿部感到麻痺及/或顫動
- 說話不清或失去說話能力
- 視力模糊不清
- 頭部劇痛
- 行動不穩或跌倒
- 不吸煙;
- 保持均衡飲食,進食低脂肪食物及減少進食含高鹽量的食物;
- 減少飲酒;
- 定期做適量的運動;
- 控制體重;
- 爭取充足的休息,避免精神緊張;
- 定期檢查身體,控制血壓的水平(最少兩年一次)。
今晚再看詩篇139。感覺很溫暖﹐主真的很奇妙可畏。真的。作為令我讚嘆﹗感謝主﹗Thanks be given to God.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Yesterday's sermon was "What is Our Communal Responsibility in The Midst Of Suffering?" (1 Peter 2:11-17) .
Notes taken:
1. Abstain from sinful desires (1 Peter 2:11)
2. Keep our behaviour above approach (1 Peter 2:12)
3. Submit to every human institution (1 Peter 2:13-17)
However, all authorities derive from GOD.
...... and when come across to this subject, Pastor encouraged brother and sister go for the unnoticed date of election after Chinese New year 2008. And Pastor John led us to pray for the existing government and so forth.
I still remember, we sing the song of "Majestic", who is our "Majestic"? And must acknowledge Him, preach of His name, worship Him, praise Him, my majestic-GOD.
乘著個人休假日﹐今午外出去shopping, because chinese new year is around the corner. I need to purchase certain things home. but within the 2 hours, I was unable to get what I wanted to buy. 前天看一套連續劇﹐講到什麼“購物障礙症”﹐ 真的有如此的病症嗎﹖不會吧。我想﹐沒買到東西﹐重要是要找出原因。知道是什麼原因﹐then, it's okay.
今晚播電給妹妹﹐在醫院﹖得知一壞消息﹐大姑中風進了醫院﹐搶救。...... 禱告.....
今晚再次領會一個道理-- 當自己愈來愈年長時﹐身邊的長輩生存的時間也愈來愈減短。
Saturday, January 26, 2008
好興奮﹗so excited! My house mate colored my hair tonight, this is my first attempt for hair-coloring . So interesting. light brown.... haha... send photo to friend far apart, and get a good comment. haha... and thanks God! it was so glad to have good taste satay with my housemate(s) tonight.
My Comfort, My Strength
...... 詩篇139:1-3
在上帝的面前﹐我猶如一個什麼衣服也沒有穿的人﹐我也不能用什麼來隱藏我的一切行為與行事。在衪前沒有隱瞞。He knows me very well the most. He is my wonderful counselor, my comforts, my strength, my stronghold at every moment I need.
今晚到新建公司大廈warehouse工作, 實在累極。Why I went there to help? As it is not part of my job. 也不再是工作時間﹐也沒有格外overtime allowance, and moreover, it is far away situated. And that we still worked so late. 因為差不多人人都來幫忙﹐而我則從不曾在下班夜晚時間來幫忙﹐所以才來嗎﹖還個人情﹐或盡回一份力。我也不願再陷入gossip的陷阱里﹐那根本就是無益於事﹐有損於己。何必再瞎眼﹗主啊﹗求你幫助我。
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Seeking, Finding, and Appreciating God's Goodness
This is the sub-title of the book of Lord, I Need Your Blessing.
I seek, I find, I appreciate?
As what I understand,
I seek, because I need it.
I find, because I have to know how good it is, I should acknowledge it well.
I appreciate, because I know for sure, it is stand to reason.
It was so nice as I read part of the book at the LRT station, as well as in the train. I probably like this scripture very much, and it did encourage me like a fresh air I breathe in the morning.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. " Isaiah 40:31 kjv
It just so great to read this where my heart got moisten, and my mind got refresh.
Thanks God!
今日工作總算稱心﹐因為可以多做屬於自己崗位上當作的事務。感謝主﹗那麼﹐若不是的話﹐我就不感恩了嗎﹖埋怨嗎﹖...... 今晚回家的步行途中﹐心里面轉來一種思想意念﹐無論什麼環境﹐皆應該“學會知足”。有些哲理或許不認同﹐知足現壯﹐就難以給自己帶來突破與長進。我想﹐這也是﹐但是﹐我認為是心態與企圖問題。聖經里反映并告訴人﹐日光之下有什麼是可以給人長久滿足的呢﹖人自私﹑貪心...﹐遠離上帝﹐所以我想是心態與企圖問題。當敬畏上帝﹗Fear God!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
因為他那非常感動又悅耳的歌聲﹐我認識了他﹐曾經在去年底著名作家戴晨志講座會里看過這個片段﹐真的很感動﹐他名叫Paul Potts, 他不過是個mobile salesman,則成功贏得英國超級星光大道(Britain's Got Talent)的Winner,我聽了好多次﹐因為他的歌聲真的很動人。他唱得非常的棒﹗﹗人生有夢想的人﹐對自己有信心﹐有熱誠﹐有行動﹐夢想真的會實踐的。
"My dream is to spend my life doing what i feel that I was born to do. To sing opera." by Paul Potts
Nessun dorma
Nessun dorma,
nessun dorma ...
Tu pure, o Principessa,
Nella tua fredda stanza,
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d'amore
E di speranza.
Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprà, no, no,
Sulla tua bocca,
io lo dirò
Quando la luce
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio
Che ti fa mia.
Il nome suo nessun saprà
E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir...
Dilegua, notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba vincerò!
Giacomo Puccini
Monday, January 21, 2008
Enthusiasm - Inspired by GOD
近來喜愛運動裝﹐前晚去shopping, I love those branded one, but price too high, finally I purchased myself a sweater which is affordable, I bought T-shirt, trouser. 今晚燙衣時才發現那件新購的工作T-Shirt有個小瑕疵。唉! It was my fault, because I didn't check at the new one first before I left. Just take it as a lesson.
I took a look at a self-help book in a bookstore at my lunch time, and again I found the meaning of enthusiasm is "inspired by God", nice to know this again. Because of "GOD".
Today I find it again, it is very good to cultivate a habit of reading every day, particularly read those "good " book(s). I agree. and will try to read more. May God bless me. I still have a lot of books in which I purchased previously need to go through. Must enjoy them. :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I am in Your (God) Presence
Coughing is harmful to health, particularly in my sleeping time. O Lord, heals me to be recovered from it quickly.
Thanks God! I am not late this morning...
In the praise and worship time this morning, the song with the word of "I am in Your(God) presence." caught my attention. I just think that most of the time, I will say "God is always there with me." "God be with me." I just realized that, I shouldn't be just know God is with me, but "I am in His presence." Perhaps the meaning might be similar, however, the understanding is more than that. I am not merely know that God is with me in passive, but "I am in His presence." It is now, and it is happening now and on. I should walk in His presence, and I am in His presence means that I am walking with Him now, and furthermore, this is true, it is not just an imagination. And if this happens at all times, why should I fear of the difficulties, trials, threats...? Just live in the truth, and I 'll be free, dwell in a peaceful mind.
This morning message is How to be a vibrant church? verse of reference:- Revelation 3:1-6
Pastor Eddie pointed out 5 diseases afflict delay church.
1. Spirit Anemia
-church lost passion to serve.
For this subject, we are taught the word - Enthusiasm is come from "En theos" , which means "in God." so good to understand this.
2. Acute Deli-gitis
-not dedicating to God.
3. Cancerous structu-ritis
-lack of training for the new generation of church. For example, when the pastor left, no one is able to lead the church.
4. Arthritic Komo-notus
-do not attend fellowship, do not join care group, no quite time...
5. Dysfunctional Relato-sis
-gossiping... say bad word about Pastor...
Listening to these... where am I? I asked myself silently...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
今日一整天都在公司的新建大樓工作﹐距離市中心需要10多20分鐘車程﹐該區屬於中上層階級人居住的地區﹐喜歡那地區一帶的生活環境--節奏不比市中心來得繁忙快速﹐可是﹐生活費則比較高。自己發覺一件事情﹐原來長久處於繁忙加快的工作環境中時﹐優閑的休息是需要的--所以要度假。哈哈。 期待Chinese New Year Holiday. :)
Busy and labor the whole day, feeling so tired. I must take good rest. :)
今日在外的工作﹐加增了自己的見識﹐是好是壞呢﹖凡事感謝主﹗Because He is holding my every tomorrow, let my every step be a step of faith to Him. Amen :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
This is the to tell you that you may need to take a good rest. Isn't it? And yet, sometimes we just can't take too much rest. Because we don't need that much. haha...
今早帶著疲憊身軀去工作﹐因為昨夜睡不好。然而﹐my soul still can rest on His shoulder.
不好的性情很難改進嗎﹖不會的﹐因為在上帝﹐凡事都能。主恩夠用。改進少﹐或許就是禱告的缺乏與決心。不然﹐就是I take it not that serious. This is what does not please God! How can I not serious? How can I not pray? Oh Lord, rebuild me, open my eyes, renew me as I pray for my weaknesses to You. Have Faith! Have Peace in mind. Amen.
"Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely." Psalm 135:5
No matter in what situation we are, Praise the Lord, Sing praises to Him, these are what have been told. O Lord, You're wonderful God.
因有主愛 恩典與憐憫
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Chinese New Year is soon coming, I took 2 pictures today and put on the blog tonight. Just to feel the atmosphere of Chinese New year... HaHa....
"Lord, keep my attitude in check today." I like this words. It's true, I need to check myself every day, and be humbly come before God in prayer. Life is always a lesson to learn. This is what I need to improve.
The verse reminds me,
"Do all things without murmurings and disputings..." Phil. 2:14
Monday, January 14, 2008
“ 若不是耶和華建造房屋﹐建造的人就枉然勞力﹔若不是耶和華看守城池﹐看守的人就枉然警醒。”
做任何事都在於主的手與應許。沒有衪的involve, everything seems to be void. Perhaps, yes, there can be some results, but it cannot last forever.
下午外出去走走﹐真的好快﹐華人農歷新年要到來了﹐剩下約一個月都不足的時間。想到回家鄉﹐心里是格別歡喜﹐因為可以與家人團聚﹐然而﹐歡喜的另一角﹐則存有著一股壓力與愁煩﹐每年不都是那樣的嗎﹖It's ok, just be fine.
今晚有句話看了很窩心的﹐“ 條件不好的人﹐一定要比別人更加勤快﹐勤能捕拙。” 此話是真的﹐做人要積極向上﹐更何況是信獨一大能的真神。
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How many people have you led to Christ last year?
Oh Lord, Your love is indescribable, so wonderful, so perfect...
"How can we be spiritually mature in the midst of suffering?" (1 Peter 2:1-10)
This is the topic of the message this morning. There are 3 steps,
1st. We need to realize our need for the word of God.
It is the word of God which causes us to grow to maturity. I'm absolutely agree this. A Christian must have a quiet time with God every day, particularly in the morning.
2nd. We must realize our firm foundation. (1 Peter 2:4-8)
Jesus is my firm foundation, He is the living stone.
3rd. We must realize our message of hope. (1 Peter 2:9-10)
Christians are a "Royal Priesthood".
There was a message that made the assembly suddenly kept in a silent mode atmosphere for a while, and I myself too. Pastor asked us,
"How many people have you led to Christ last year?"
After the question, the hall of the church in which we all seated in was in a sudden silent. It was so silent for a while. We all know what the problem is... our merciful God is talking to everyone respectively.
And Pastor John encouraged with the saying of "Don't hold back and continue to be silent about Jesus this year."
This is true. We should preach of His name, love..... bear good witnesses. For He had done the great thing for us. Amen.
It was so glad to receive call from my sweet home tonight. Thanks God! I have had a good conversation with my younger sister, mom and dad. May God bless you all. Have Peace. :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My Wonderful Counselor
“ 耶和華啊﹐求你善待那些為善和心里正直的人。” 詩篇125:4
咳嗽未痊癒﹐但求主按手醫治﹐今晚買了“天然野山黑蜂蜜-Black Jungle Honey” ﹐價錢不便宜﹐但願對咳嗽的康復有所幫助。主啊﹗是的。
Tonight I read a scripture in which I like very much, and did hear at Christmas Eve night.
" For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will be rest on His shoulders; And His name will called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. " Isaiah 9:6
so warm.
Thanks God~~There will be a Holy Communion in the Sunday Service tommorow, so excited and long for the service. O Lord, thanks for your love and most wonderful and perfect salvation.
Friday, January 11, 2008
“我們得幫助﹐是在乎倚靠造天地之耶和華的名。” 詩篇124:8
感謝上帝﹗今日的心情是愉快的。清晨上班步行中﹐我心里告訴自己﹐我要享受現在所擁有的﹐一切都是主的恩典﹐想到愛主的弟兄姊妹﹐心里面也深受激勵﹐主的腳蹤是佳美又吸引的﹐當弟兄姊妹效法的時候﹐有好榜樣的時候﹐真的自己不長進也不行﹐沒有一位信徒是不需要弟兄姊妹的﹐因為主要衪的兒女同心﹑相愛合一﹐一齊活出建造神家。…… 我心里擔心輕省﹐腳步也輕快許多。我思想﹐我明白那是什麼原因﹐天路不是孤單的一個人走。聽著詩歌﹐心里讚美上帝。
今午餐時間﹐來到這高級shopping mall, 有中國同胞的舞蹈表演﹐最精彩的那一幕﹐莫過於最後一段時刻的“變臉” 表演﹐我總覺得中國人的這種學術非常利害。心里佩服她超快速度的變臉手法。好棒﹗(我會疑問這學術有無宗教背影﹖)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
上帝的同在﹐是如此大的祝福。衪無所不在﹐近日學習去體會主的實在﹐because He is everywhere as He preserves me from danger at all time. His presence doesn't restricted by anything. I can experience Him anytime as He lives in my heart. He listens every single word comes out from my mouth. He cares for me the most. Thanks GOD! 上帝的同在不是要讓我犯錯﹐而是引導我走向正確的路向﹐得著衪所賜的福份。主的恩典夠用﹐信心前行。有懼怕﹐衪剛強我心﹐叫我膽壯與勇敢。哈利路亞﹗﹗
Thanks God! I have listed down my planning for the new year of 2008, and come out certain new year resolution(I should update it from time to time), thanks God! It is so good. I need to get improvements and obtain God's good blessings for He has prepared for me fully with His heart and love.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Saviour of the world - JESUS
Lunch time, I went to a Christian Bookstore, eventually, I purchased the latest album of Planetshakers- "SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD" CD & DVD version.
haha... I just consider this is the latest one for myself, because the latest one - " FREE " will be released on 19th of January 2008.
Tonight I've listened the all songs in the DVD. Wow, so great! I like the songs inside. Praise the Lord. I just think that my tastes are becoming wide as compared to 7-10years ago. And I am able to accept and adapt myself to different kind of praise and worship songs. As we are worshiping the only one God who create heaven and earth. Praise the Lord!!
"Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were born or You gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. " (Psalm 90:1-2)
Monday, January 7, 2008
今日發覺了一樣事情﹐咳嗽有惡化的跡象。Oh no, what have I done for myself? 冷飲品已經暫時不動﹐忍耐一下﹐真的不想像前年﹐由華人農歷新年前病到新年後才病好。真的很糟的壯態。不好﹐不好。
今晚到著名連瑣店的藥濟部買了一支咳藥水回家﹐那知那pharmacist required me to write down my particulars for record. After that, then, I know what was the purpose for. This is to prevent people from drug abuse behaviour.
It was so glad tonight, because I was able to view the photos taken in the Big Gathering of Church held annually in Hong Kong. It was so nice and so so so Glad to see them.
thanks for the sharing precious Sister in Lord.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
In the presence of God
The speaker of this morning is Dr. Geoff Pound, he is from Australia, and he preached about the message of "So Much More", and verses are taken from Eph. 3:14-21 for reference.
This is something to do with how to understand the love of Christ.
"Do we walk in the right way in the presence of God?" This question catch my attention this morning. The word "in the presence of God", awake me & remind me, actually God is always there with me, no matter where I am, what I do, when is it? and He is just the only one who care the most for me, and be with me at all time, and yet, sometimes I just ignored His presence unconsciously, and was caught in a bad emotional situation.
Thanks God! He is righteous and capable of doing everything in the right way. He is faithful God! He is always willingly would like to speak to me, and assist me to walk in the right point, and keep me safe in stormy circumstances.
今晚寧靜時想起一句話﹐好記得初信時﹐有一位教會長老在寫給自己的書簽里一句引用聖經勉勵的話﹐“ 當跟清心禱告主的人一齊認識追求主。 ” 那時候﹐我很認同這句話﹐也很支持這句話﹐現在﹐我也同樣依然如此。我盼望自己的人生有值得學習的榜樣﹐就是從那些清心禱告主﹐愛主的人身上去學習。什麼是愛主呢﹖每星期返主日崇拜的就是嗎﹖如何定義﹖...... 不就是學習主捨己的愛的人嗎﹖
Saturday, January 5, 2008
又是一個忙碌的一 天。時間走在我前面﹐還是我落在後面﹐未能與它同行 -- 我忘了時間。下班回家﹐帶著3雙新購的運動襪子。在輕快鐵里﹐同事累得站不住腳﹐而我還耐得住。感謝主﹗
今日下午下了雨﹐晚上洗的那些衣裳﹐或許在涼風的吹動下﹐還是風不干﹐需要早晨日光的照晒。今晚聽一位名為士培在新伊館的信仰信息﹐題目為“我將神擺在我面前”。聽的時候﹐總覺得有種親切感﹐或許是因為“家” 的概念﹐最初來自於這教會﹐初信時是在這教會栽培出來的。聽來的時候﹐心里面有不少主的觸摸﹐我又再次想起“主的心意﹐主的恢復與復興的流” ﹐這些話曾經影響自己極深。然而﹐在糾纏與掙扎的幾年里﹐我感謝上帝的引導與話語。全球每間教會都有主的心意與祝福的。也感謝主﹗透過今晚聽的道﹐給自己的心靈燃點了多一點的生命氣息與對上帝的熱誠的追求。主啊﹗你是信實的﹐你是聽禱告的上帝﹐懇求你繼續保守祝福引導孩子。他們全教會在香港有大團聚﹐實在是好開心﹐好興奮的事情﹐求主大大祝福他們﹐聖靈大大降臨﹐再次利害燃燒教會復興﹐火燒不息﹐至到主再來。
明天又是主日崇拜啦﹗求主祝福記念。O Lord, bless tomorrow Sunday service, touch and revive Your children's heart.
Friday, January 4, 2008
“ 你是我藏身之處﹐又是我的盾牌﹔我甚仰望你的話語。 ” 詩篇119:114
多少次遭遇艱苦不是來到主的面前尋求幫助嗎﹖靠自己不行﹐惟靠主凡事都行。這是信心的功課。經文還特別加了個字--“甚” 仰望。 仰望不夠嗎﹖為什麼還要加個“甚”字﹖這是個需要。加倍地依靠上帝。不可馬虎﹐禱告就是一個例子。有個“甚” 字﹐就需要多加付出時間﹐負擔﹐耐心﹐熱誠﹐愛心﹐決心﹐勇氣﹐...... 主﹐就是我的力量﹐我的幫助﹐這絕對不是假象。
“ 我是你的僕人﹐求你賜我悟性﹐使我得知你的法度。 ” 詩篇119:125
今晚又接到同事訴苦的電話﹐但願主記念幫助。自己也處於一個面對不愉快事情的心境﹐我想﹐人有苦來說﹐我用心聽﹐并安慰。可是﹐我心里有說不出的苦情與難處﹐誰又會用心聽呢﹖...... 感謝主﹗我還是有聆聽者。
Thursday, January 3, 2008
“ 你的命令常存在我心里﹐使我比仇敵有智慧。 ...” Psalm 119:97-98
“ 你的言語在我上膛何等甘美﹐在我口中比蜜更甜﹗” Psalm 119:103
“ 你的話是我腳前的燈﹐是我路上的光。” Psalm 119:105
“ 惡人為我設下網羅﹐我卻沒有偏離你的訓詞。 ” Psalm 119:110
好貼心的話﹐主啊﹗無論你是在教訓我還是提醒我都好﹐這話好溫暖﹐人生經崎嶇路﹐受攻擊﹑恐嚇﹑控告...... 你都保抱我走過﹐我有低潮軟弱﹐可是﹐因你愛﹐你的恩典﹐你的憐憫﹐我依然跟隨著你。
今晚感覺是﹐想家﹐想念親愛的弟兄姊妹... 冀盼精彩美麗的人生。
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
今早出門工作﹐一路上﹐告訴自己是美好的開始﹐new hope in new start of the year. 至於工作﹐我持著怎樣的心情與態度﹖它帶給我多少的遺憾與嘆息﹐就是處於無可奈何的壯況之下﹐然而﹐我多麼盼望上帝的引導與祝福。缺少的﹐或者就是少有的交托與禱告。這功課學不懂﹐還是用心不專﹖懇求上帝赦免﹐并幫助我自己解脫出來。難怪聖經有提到要“專心仰望主”﹐“專心” 有時限嗎﹖“專心” 不就需要時刻的驚醒與投靠。有什麼難﹖上帝無所不在﹐衪的同在就是最大的祝福。Conduct Self-Review myself humbly.
昨晚再看鄧萃雯和林以諾牧師的 [ 聊另類法 ] VCD﹐在整個節目的交流之中﹐鄧萃雯的心歷路程帶給自己對某些事情有了不同的見解﹐好像上帝要跟我說話﹐而自己又好像處於矛盾中不願接受那個見解的用意。但願上帝引導祝福。人生﹐是什麼﹖好快就是一個白年頭﹐我當如何活出未來的燦爛﹖
“ 耶和華啊﹐你向來是照你的話善待僕人。求你將精明和知識賜給我﹐因我信了你的命令。” 詩篇119:65-66
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year 2008! 新年蒙恩﹗
一年之季在於主(上帝)﹗願主祝福并施恩。O Lord, Have mercy on me.
“ 匠人所棄的石頭已成了房角的頭塊石頭。 ” 詩篇118:22
“行為完全﹑遵行耶和華律法的﹐這人便為有福﹗” “遵守他的法度﹑一心尋求他的﹐這人便為有福﹗” “這人不做非義的事﹐但遵行他的道。” 詩篇119:1-3
新一年我有什麼計劃﹐然而﹐上帝則在年日一開始的第一天早晨迎來這些經文。衪在提醒我要“聽主話”。這世代實在是邪惡的﹐好多陷阱﹑誘惑﹐我這弱軟的人﹐何不需要多多依靠上帝嗎﹗O Lord, I give thanks to You.
In the beginning of year 2008, I've had my new hair-cut this afternoon. Feel good. Haha... thank you to the hairdresser, and I realized that he was cutting my hair in a different technique I've ever seen before.
I am very glad to know that my precious brother and sister in Lord are now preaching in Mexico, and knowing that a lot of people attend the meeting. Thanks God! May God bless them as they work for the gospel, and give them strength and power whenever they need. Amen.
And thanks God, I have started to come out my new resolutions. May God leads me in the right way.