There is no problem too big God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep He cannot sooth it
And I realized one thing, there is no problem(s) in God, though the problem(s) exist in the eyes of man. 我們看似是問題﹐可是﹐在上帝那里則沒有問題。因為上帝是全能的上帝。
The topic of this morning service is "How can we cope with our present suffering?", and verse is referred to I Peter 1:6-9
Pastor did mention about the 4 things about suffering:
1. It won't last forever
2. It is necessary
3. It does come distress
4. It comes with a variety of different ways.
1. Love God
2. Trust Him (Christ)
"We don't rejoice, because we're suffering. But we rejoice because of the absolute certainty that God will carry us through." This is a so meaningful expression of word. However, most of the time people fall down, just because they lose their faith in Christ Jesus. 當牧師呼召﹐叫處於艱難中﹐需要禱告的弟兄姊妹﹐無論是在樓上或是樓下﹐都走到台前來﹐為他們禱告﹐也叫有職份的弟兄姊妹走到他們身邊或身後﹐為他們按手禱告。這是一個很感動﹐很美的一個劃面。When I saw somebody wept, and I knew for sure, they were really suffered, and yet, God has touched their heart deeply after the prayers. Thanks be given to God!!
下班後﹐與幾位同事結伴到對面商場shopping, I thought I would purchase a lot of stuff-clothes & shoe, but I left with an empty hand eventually after spending almost an hour there. My colleauges complaint on me that I was so picky. But whatever I wanted to buy, and there were no more stock. so ridiculous in thoughts. haha... I think it's okay, at least I don't need to spend any cents of money at tonight shopping. perhaps, God wants me to use my money wisely and carefully. Be thankful.
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