Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Gift

Thanks God! I got another Christmas gift from a cell-group member this morning. Thanks~ When I saw the little bookmark filled with the encouraging words, it reminded me those similar things that I usually like to do in the past - writing a few words in a tiny bookmark as an encouragement for others in church. How many years back is not a crucial thing to count. We have been learning so much to be a positive person, today counts, we know, and we should make good efforts for every single day and every tomorrow. We deserved to do that, aren't we?

A few notes have been taken down on today's church service.

1. Make right choices with the right heart.
2. Make choices by discerning God's direction.
3. Trust God's providence.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Service, I was late for 5-10 minutes I assumed. It's a combined service, 1st & 2nd. I knew the reason why I was so hard to find myself a seat. The main sanctuary was overcrowded, there were so many people. What would I say but overflowing with thankfulness.

Today's topic was somewhat touched my heart. What's that? It's the matter of doubt, which was the "Questions" related to our belief. (The "why?"" why?" "why?"...)

After the service, a gift was given out to each family, and I got one as well, it's glad to get this Christmas Gift from Church. Thanks God~ Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It's time to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

One of the pix taken outside a shopping centre - nice scene decoration.